North Shore Chamber of Commerce and Historic Hawai‘i Foundation coordinated a new educational series to help property owners access resources to repair, maintain, rehabilitate and preserve key parts of Hale‘iwa’s history.

The two-part series held September 10 and October 30 at Hale‘iwa Gym provided information about methods, techniques and financial incentives to preserve historic buildings in Hale‘iwa. The seminars provided practical, specific information on maintaining and rehabilitating historic structures, helping them to continue to provide benefits to the owners, the historic district and the greater community.

The two-hour seminars were free and open to property owners and their representatives [tenants, building managers, design professionals and financial institutions doing business] in Hale‘iwa Special District. Attendance at both seminars was encouraged but not required.

Workshop Presentations

Click the thumbnails below to download PDF versions of each presentation.

Hale‘iwa Zoning and Special District Design Guidelines
September 10, 2019

Historic Designation and Tax Incentives for Preservation
October 30, 2019


Hale‘iwa Zoning and Special District Design Guidelines
September 10, 2019, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Hale‘iwa Gym, 66-434 Kamehameha Hwy

This seminar will present:
• Overview and District boundary
• How the HSD LUO affects you as a property owner
• Types of permits and procedures for review
• The relationship between the City’s development review and the State’s historic preservation review
• Design standards for new construction
• Design standards for rehabilitation of existing buildings
• Other aspects of the regulations that affect both rehabilitation and new construction projects in Hale‘iwa.

• Anthony X. Ching and Joette Yago, City & County of Honolulu Department of Planning & Permitting
• Alan Downer, Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Division
• Scott Wallace, Property Owner with Example Project
• Moderated by Kiersten Faulkner, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation


Historic Designation and Tax Incentives for Preservation
October 30, 2019, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Hale‘iwa Gym, 66-434 Kamehameha Hwy

The seminar will explain:
• Which structures are eligible to apply for the exemptions/credits and how to nominate a property to be listed as a qualified historic property;
• Standards to ensure that the rehabilitation preserves the historic and architectural character of the building;
• Method for calculating the value of the tax credit, reflected as a percentage of the amount expended on that portion of the rehabilitation work that is approved as certified rehabilitation;
• A minimum amount, or threshold, required to be invested in the rehabilitation; and
• Administrative information on how to participate in the programs

• Tanya Gumapac-McGuire, Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Division
•  Steven Takara, Brent Fujiwara and Mikel Yamasaki, City & County of Honolulu Real Property Assessment Division
• Ed D’Ascoli, Project Example from Chinatown Historic District
• Moderated by Kiersten Faulkner, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation

Who Should Attend?

  • Property Owners
  • Representatives located in the Hale‘iwa Special District (HSD)
  • Business owner/tenants
  • Owner’s representatives
  • Other stakeholders

The City and County of Honolulu designated Hale‘iwa as a historic, cultural and scenic district in 1984 as part of the Land Use Ordinance.

All buildings in the district are regulated by rules that are intended to protect and preserve the district’s special rural character, significant views and historic buildings.

In 2018, City Council expanded the special district boundary.

Seminars are co-sponsored by