Investing in the preservation of Hawaii’s historic places and cultural resources benefits us all. We could not accomplish our work without the commitment and generous support of these outstanding partners.
Corporate Sponsorship and Partnership
Historic Hawai‘i Foundation offers a variety of events, tours, programs and activities throughout the year that engages thousands of people in our mission of saving places. Explore the possibilities for Sponsorship by calling the Development Team at (808)523-2900 or by emailing us at the link below.
Historic Hawaiʹi Foundation is a tax‑exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (FEIN #23‑7441972). Your donation may be tax deductible as provided by law. Please consult with your tax advisor.

Castle & Cooke hosts HHF Office at Dole Office Building in Cannery Square
Our Corporate Partners act on a deep commitment to preserving historic resources in the Islands, providing Historic Hawai‘i Foundation with significant in-kind support. In recognition of their support, they receive exclusive opportunities to participate in marketing promotions of our events, programming and services—all in support of preserving places for community good. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s Corporate Partner program can enhance your organization’s image, while raising your brand awareness among our thousands of supporters.

Matson sponsorship for Kama‘āina of the Year 2019 honoring Beadie Kanahele Dawson.
Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s signature fundraising benefit has been held annually since 1975. Sponsorships are available at a variety of levels and include the opportunity to host a table at the event and recognition for their support. Guests enjoy a cocktail reception, dinner, tribute to the Kama‘āina of the Year honoree and musical entertainment. Sponsors may also choose to make a charitable contribution in lieu of attending the event.

MC Lacy Deniz thanks sponsors at 2019 Awards Event. Photo by Michelle Mishina
The annual Preservation Honor Awards share, recognize and inspire excellence in historic preservation in Hawai‘i. Presented annually since 1975, the Honor Awards bring together architects, contractors, planners, historians, archeologists, property owners, and all who contribute to the preservation of our historic places and stories. The program also celebrates the milestones of organizations and businesses reaching 200th, 175th, 150th and 100th year anniversaries. Sponsorship opportunities include hosting tickets or tables at the event, advertising in the event program or donating in-kind support.

Goodsill Open House hosted by Honolulu Museum of Art and Sponsored by Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel LLP
From an intimate gathering at a private home to opening your home or business to a tour, heritage property owners have a unique opportunity to support Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s educational and development programs. Sharing the history and character of your property with an appreciative audience is a rewarding experience for both hosts and guests.
Please contact us at (808)523-2900 or via the email link below to discuss this opportunity.

Kaimukī Walking Tour supported by artist Nick Kuchar and chef Ed Kenney. Photo by Michelle Mishina)
Professionals of all kinds can help Historic Hawai‘i enhance our programs, events and activities by donating professional services, labor or materials, or discounts goods and services. These in-kind contributions allow HHF to lower our expenses while still providing an outstanding products and experiences. We have creative partnerships with design professionals, photographers, printers, researchers, retailers, preservation professionals, hotels and travel industry partners, meeting venues and many more.

Preservation-related businesses seeking to fill open positions may consider placing an ad in our online job listings on HHF’s website or in our monthly e-newsletters.