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Contact us for information on volunteering

Volunteers Needed for Preservation Research and Support

Want to learn more about historic properties across the state? Or to learn about the various organizations working to preserve and celebrate them? Consider volunteering for one of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s research projects.

Historic Hawai‘i Foundation is working to digitize the historic property nominations for all designated properties on the Hawai‘i Register of Historic Places. We are looking for volunteers to assist us in preparing the scanned nominations for posting on our website.

Volunteers are needed to:

  • Read nominations and write abstracts, using a template form
  • Research and fill in any missing information, such as street addresses for the historic properties
  • Enter information into a spreadsheet

The current project will expand the information available to include all designated historic properties across the state.

We are also working to develop a Get Involved landing page that will detail volunteer or support opportunities with grassroots preservation organizations, institutions and partner organizations throughout the state. Volunteers are needed to:

  • Research missing information from our master lists, such as email addresses, website, contact information, and descriptions of organizations
  • Enter information into a spreadsheet

Work for both of these projects can be completed either off-site (computer with Excel needed) or time can be scheduled to work in the HHF office. Volunteers will need to be familiar with Excel spreadsheets, comfortable with doing basic internet research, and know how to write summary information following a standard template. HHF will provide training about historic property nomination forms and data entry conventions.

Office Assistant

We can always use assistance in the office. It’s not the most glamorous work, but it needs to be done!  Whether you are able to help update excel spreadsheets or can help stuff envelopes, your help will go a long way!

Photo Scanning and Identification

We inherited several beautiful collections of photographs of historic buildings across the state and we need assistance in scanning them for electronic storage.