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Grassroots effort honors Kāne‘ohe wahi pana’s place in history

Earlier this week the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported a local effort to drive awareness to the historic significance of Kāne‘ohe Beach Park and restore its Hawaiian place name, Naoneala‘a, meaning "the sands of La‘amaikahiki.” This coastal area of Kāne‘ohe is named after the famous chief La‘amaikahiki who is said to have [...]

August 5th, 2021|Comments Off on Grassroots effort honors Kāne‘ohe wahi pana’s place in history

Kalākaua Park Restores Original Landscape Design

Kalākaua Park on Hawai‘i Island has served as Hilo’s town square since it was dedicated in 1877 by King David Kalākaua. A recent project restored the historic stonework that defines the amphitheater and brought back key elements of the landscape design. Working on the path restoration. The park [...]

July 15th, 2021|Comments Off on Kalākaua Park Restores Original Landscape Design

Threading the Needle: Susan and Ken Forbes

KEEPING HAKALAU’S HISTORY AND VALUES ALIVE* From the 1880s, Hakalau Sugar Plantation steadily supported a growing community. Immigrants—first from China, Portugal and Japan; then from Korea, Spain and other parts of Europe—fulfilled the need for laborers, some settling in independent homesteads. By the early 1940s Hakalau had a new hospital, [...]

July 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on Threading the Needle: Susan and Ken Forbes

W. S. Merwin and the Merwin Conservancy: Reflections on Poetry and Nature

The Merwin Conservancy is located in a rural neighborhood in Ha‘ikū, in the moku of Hamakualoa, and the ahupua‘a of Pe‘ahi. The property spans the slopes on both sides of the Pe‘ahi Stream. It is the site where renowned poet, W.S. Merwin, and his beloved wife of 40 years, Paula [...]

July 1st, 2021|Comments Off on W. S. Merwin and the Merwin Conservancy: Reflections on Poetry and Nature

Lynette Hi‘ilani Cruz recognized with Individual Achievement Preservation Honor Award

Educator and advocate Lynette Hi‘ilani Cruz, PhD was born in Hilo and grew up on O‘ahu, eventually settling in Wai‘anae. She holds a PhD in Anthropology. For most of her adult life, Cruz has been a strong and effective advocate for the preservation and maintenance of ancient Hawaiian historic places. [...]

June 16th, 2021|Comments Off on Lynette Hi‘ilani Cruz recognized with Individual Achievement Preservation Honor Award

What’s to Become of Kaniakapūpū?

By Donne Dawson, HHF Trustee At this year’s Preservation Honor Awards, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation honored a protection measures project installed at the beloved and very fragile Kaniakapūpū, the 176-year-old summer home in Nu‘uanu Valley of King Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli, and his queen, Kalama. Kauikeaouli was the second son of Kamehameha [...]

June 8th, 2021|Comments Off on What’s to Become of Kaniakapūpū?
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