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Heather Giugni to be honored as the 2023 Kama‘āina of the Year™

Join us on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at the Royal Hawaiian where filmmaker Heather Haunani Giugni will be honored as the 2023 Kama‘āina of the YearTM in recognition of her achievements in establishing ‘Ulu‘ulu: The Henry Ku‘ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai‘i and her impact in preserving and sharing the rich moving image heritage of Hawai‘i through the preservation of film and videotape. These and other efforts help relay the stories and perpetuate the history and culture of Native Hawaiians and the people of Hawai‘i.

2024-01-04T13:52:50-10:00February 3rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

The Rich Legacy of Lili‘uokalani Protestant Church

Lili‘uokalani Protestant Church's History Spans more than 190 Years and Four Structures Submitted by the Historic Preservation Committee of the North Shore Chamber of Commerce; working to preserve and perpetuate the legacy of historic Haleʻiwa.  Reprinted with permission. The area that now surrounds the intersection of Haleʻiwa Road and Kamehameha Highway has seen many changes over the years. The iconic Haleʻiwa Hotel was built there in 1898. The Sea View Inn was built on the site in 1955, became the Chart House in 1990 and then Haleiwa Joe’s in 1998. But nearly two centuries ago, it was the location of O‘ahu’s second oldest Hawaiian Church built by a missionary couple whose beloved legacy is the Liliʻuokalani Protestant Church in Haleʻiwa. Between 1820 and 1863, twelve companies of missionaries were deployed to the Hawaiian Islands by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The Reverend John Smith Emerson and his new bride Ursula Sophia Newell Emerson were part of the Fifth Company. After six months on a whaling ship that set sail from New Bedford, Massachusetts, they arrived in Honolulu in May of 1832. The Emersons were assigned to serve the 8,000 residents along Waialua’s thirty-mile coastline. High Chief Gideon Pele’ioholani La’anui, the Konohiki of Waialua and one of the first Hawaiians to become literate in both English and his native language, helped them to establish a simple church near the Anahulu Stream’s outfall at Waialua Bay in July of 1832. The chartered name of the church was Ka Ahahui Kahu Malama Waiwai O Ka Ekalesia O Kawailoa Ma Waialua, more often called the Hawaiian Church in Waialua or simply the Waialua Church. By 1841, an adobe church with a high thatched roof [...]

2023-02-01T15:30:55-10:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Blog, Featured Homepage Top|

Honolulu City Council – Bill 59 is on our Watch List

1/24/23: Bill Watch: Honolulu City Council to Review Historic Residential Property Tax Exemption Honolulu City Council will consider revisions to the taxation of historic residential real property, with the first of three readings scheduled for the Council meeting on January 25. (View the agenda.) Historic Hawaii Foundation is monitoring Bill 59 (2022).  Introduced by Councilmember Calvin Say in late December 2022, Bill 59 addresses a minor clarification related to automatic renewal of the dedication at the end of a ten-year period and clarifies that the automatic renewal may be cancelled upon owner request. HHF does not have concerns with the proposed language for Bill 59 as originally introduced.  However, HHF is cognizant that bills can and often do change during the course of the legislative process. In Summer 2022, the O‘ahu Tax Advisory Commission recommended substantial tax increases on both historic residential and commercial properties.  (View HHF's action alert here.) Bill 59 is one of a suite of property tax measures being considered by City Council and will likely be evaluated in the context of other tax incentives, dedications and exemptions. As Bill 59 makes its way through the legislative process at the Honolulu City Council, Historic Hawaii Foundation is watching and will alert the preservation community if and when action is needed. SIGN ME UP FOR ACTION ALERTS! You'll receive notifications when it's time to engage in the legislative process to protect Hawaii's historic and cultural sites. Reference Material: Honolulu City Council Agenda for January 25, 2023 Bill 59 (2022): RELATING TO TAXATION OF HISTORIC RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY Honolulu City Council Calendar Background: O‘ahu Tax Advisory Commission Recommends Massive Property Tax Increase on Historic Properties [...]

2023-01-24T17:39:25-10:00January 24th, 2023|Categories: Advocacy, Featured Homepage Top|

Preservation Tools: the Historic Structures Report

What is a Historic Structures Report and When Do You Need One? A Historic Structures Report (HSR) is a widely used preservation tool, ideally an important first step, toward obtaining maximum knowledge about a structure in order to help maintain and/or preserve it. HSRs are generally commissioned by a property owner for an individual building and its site that is historically and/or architecturally significant. The report documents physical information about a structure’s history, significance, composition and existing condition. It includes recommendations for the most appropriate approach to treatment for the repair and/or maintenance of the property and outlines the scope of suggested work to be done. It can also include information about the owner or management goals for the current use of the property. What information is collected? A variety of sources comprise the report and research. These usually include a preliminary walk-through as well as physical records such as architectural blueprints, record photography and archival documentation and a survey of the existing condition of the property as it relates to interior and exterior architectural elements and mechanical and structural systems. The site is also evaluated for its historical significance. Discussion with the owner and users about current and future uses is an important part of the process. As additional information is learned relevant to the history of the building, and as work on the historic structure is implemented, the report can be amended and supplemented. The size and complexity of a property will determine how extensive the HSR will be.  How is it used? HSRs provide comprehensive documentation of a site and help determine work recommendations for its preservation, guide budget needs and serve as a scheduling tool for work to be done. [...]

2024-02-23T13:02:16-10:00January 6th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Featured Homepage Top|

Three historic sites on O‘ahu and Maui receive preservation grants

The Sam and Mary Cooke Preservation Fund for Hawai‘i Supports Local Preservation Efforts The Sam and Mary Cooke Preservation Fund for Hawaii helps preserve and enhance historic places in Hawai’i for future generations. The grants are administered through the National Trust for Historic Preservation in cooperation with Historic Hawai’i Foundation.  In October, 2022, three iconic Hawai’i sites received grants to help them properly assess and protect their historic properties. The Grantees                   Liljestrand Foundation | Honolulu, O‘ahu $5,000 to conduct an existing condition survey for the Liljestrand House, Vladimir Ossipoff’s work of mid-twentieth century Hawaiian modern architecture that is now open to the public as a historic house museum and programmatic space. Built on the slopes of Pu`u Ohia (Mount Tantalus), overlooking Honolulu, the Liljestrand House is recognized as an outstanding example of Vladimir Ossipoff’s work and of mid-twentieth century modern architecture. Howard and Betty Liljestrand originally intended to design the house themselves with the help of a friend, but quickly realized that they needed more than just appreciation for good design to build a house. After a search, Vladimir Ossipoff was selected. The Liljestrands gave Ossipoff a brief list of requirements that shaped the house. The family and Ossipoff worked collaboratively throughout the project. Betty Liljestrand was engaged on a daily basis as general contractor, supervising the crew of craftsmen and carpenters. Even with the language barrier between the Japanese craftsmen and Betty Liljestrand, they found creative ways to communicate when making adjustments throughout the process. Learn more.                         Hui Noeau Visual Arts Center | Makawao, Maui $3,500 to restore original doors and [...]

2023-01-09T10:05:16-10:00January 6th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Featured Homepage Top|

View the recordings: 36th Annual Experts Historic Preservation Lecture Series

2023 Experts Lecture Series Explores Historic Cemeteries Thursdays, January 26 to March 2, 2023     12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Virtual on Zoom Free, registration required (scroll down to register for individual lectures) The series is curated by Dr. Ralph T. Kam, Historic Preservation Graduate Certificate Program, Department of American Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. The series is co-sponsored by Historic Hawai‘i Foundation. Expert presenters will lead us on a journey of six historic cemeteries in Hawai‘i describing their histories, what makes them significant and in some cases, challenges to their protection. Thursday, January 26, 2023 12:00 to 1:00 PM Mission Memorial Cemetery (1823), Honolulu, O‘ahu Presenter:  Mary Ann Lentz, Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society Starting in 1823 with the burial of Levi Parsons Bingham, the child of pioneer missionaries Hiram and Sybil Bingham, burials began in the cemetery on the Diamond Head side of Kawaiaha‘o Church. Royalty later modeled their funerary practices on the early burials of the missionaries. The cemetery is part of the Kawaiaha‘o Church and Mission Houses National Historic Landmark. VIEW THE RECORDING BELOW Thursday, February 2, 2023 12:00 to 1:00 PM Mauna ‘Ala Royal Mausoleum (1867), Nu‘uanu, O‘ahu Presenter: Ralph  Kam, author, "Death Rites and Hawaiian Royalty" (2012) Thomas Nettleship Staley, the First Bishop of Honolulu, consecrated the Royal Mausoleum in 1867. When Episcopal Bishop Henry Bond Restarick consecrated the Kamehameha tombs at Mauna ‘Ala in 1908, he became the first American to sanctify a royal burial site. The chapel at the Royal Mausoleum was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. VIEW THE RECORDING BELOW [...]

2024-01-04T09:49:28-10:00January 4th, 2023|Categories: Events - Past|Tags: |

The Fundamentals of Maintenance Plans

What are maintenance plans and why do one? By Virginia Murison, AIA A Maintenance Manual or Plan identifies those character-defining features of a historic structure that convey its significance and provides guidance for the routine maintenance, as well as repair methods, that will preserve the feature, material or finish.  Often, these will include historic materials or finish methods that are not common to contemporary buildings. This documentation is a valuable part of preservation literature for educational purposes as well as practical in-the-field guidance. As a companion to a Historic Structure Report, a Programmatic Agreement or a Preservation Plan, a Maintenance Plan is a valuable component in the documentation of a historic property. All Federal Agencies are required by the National Historic Preservation Act to identify the historic resources under their control and to protect those properties to the maximum extent possible. Private sector owners, organizations and commercial management concerns are also custodians of significant historic structures which require sensitive and routine maintenance.  Historic materials and finishes often exist which would be difficult to replicate or replace if they were lost, emphasizing the need for maintenance and care to prevent loss or damage. Property owners applying for the City & County of Honolulu’s property tax exemption for historic commercial properties are required to develop and submit a 10-year maintenance plan as a condition for receiving the exemption. The maintenance plan helps ensure that the characteristics that convey the historic significance will be retained and the property maintained in good condition. The Secretary of the Interior defines “preservation” as “identification, evaluation, recordation, documentation, curation, acquisition, protection, management, rehabilitation, restoration, stabilization, maintenance, research, interpretation, and conservation” (emphasis added) A maintenance manual is intended to assist facility managers, planners, [...]

2022-12-20T11:42:52-10:00December 19th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Featured Homepage Top|

Consultation helps protect Maluhia Tree Tunnel & three historic bridges on Kaua‘i

Representation and expertise key to this positive preservation outcome In June of 2018, the Kaua‘i County Department of Public Works issued a project notice for Section 106 consultation for the Kōloa Road and Maluhia Road Improvements Project. The project had the potential to adversely affect several historic resources. The Resources Maluhia Tree Tunnel The famous Tree Tunnel, formed by rows of eucalyptus trees, borders a one mile segment along Maluhia Road from the Kaumuali'i Highway junction to Knudsen's Gap. It's a lush grove of over 500 trees estimated to be between 100 and 150 years old, dating back to around 1911. The most common explanation regarding the source of the trees is that Walter Duncan McBryde, a major sugar, pineapple, and cattle businessman, planted the trees as a gift to Kaua'i. Mr. McBryde was also in charge of the roads in the Kōloa District from 1900 to 1905. Eligibility for the Nation Register of Historic Places is undetermined at this time, however the County of Kaua‘i has recognized the Tree Tunnel as an “exceptional resource with historical or cultural value” since 1976. The tree tunnel is also identified as “K-2” under Section 22-5.4 of Article 5 “Preservation of Exceptional Trees” of the Kaua‘i County Ordinances. Three Wailana Stream Bridges along Maluhia Road  The three bridges - Wailana Bridge No. 2, Wailana Bridge No. 3, and Wailana Bridge No. 4 are all located on Maluhia Road. Bridges No. 3 and No. 4 were both designed by Joseph H. Moragne and constructed in 1910 as part of the Kaua'i Belt Road, while Bridge No. 2 was designed by Sadaichi Dodo and constructed in 1936. Bridges No. 3 and No. 4 are historically significant under as they represent [...]

2022-12-19T12:45:46-10:00December 12th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Featured Homepage Top|

Stunning stained-glass windows bring new light to the First Chinese Church of Christ in Hawai‘i

Preservation Grant Supports Repairs at First Chinese Church of  Christ The church was founded in 1879 and granted a charter of incorporation by King David Kalākaua that same year. It was begun by immigrant Chinese Christians seeking to establish a church where services could be held in their native language and evangelize to the growing Chinese community. FCCC’s original sanctuary was located on Fort Street, between Beretania and Kukui Streets. As the Chinese community spread outside of Chinatown, members sought and found a new location for the growing congregation at 1054 South King Street on the old Grandville Hotel property across from McKinley High School.   The iconic sanctuary was designed by renowned Hawai‘i architect Hart Wood and constructed by contractor Teikichi Takahashi. The building was dedicated in 1929. The design blends elements of Hawaiian regional architecture, Christian elements and symbolic Chinese decorative motifs. A steep pitched tiled roof, heavy timber trusses, and interior walls of plaster over lava rock done in the Chinese method are other notable features. Wood designed two stained glass windows in the sanctuary: a three paneled rectangular window above the entry portal on the south makai wall and a grand circular rose window in the choir loft on the north mauka wall. A preservation grant from the Freeman Foundation, in cooperation with Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, supported the repair of the stained-glass windows as part of a larger master plan of historic preservation, renovation and repair of the entire church campus. The windows had issues of bowing, cracked stained glass, corrosion of metal frames and separation between the stained glass and supports. The grant enabled these problems to be addressed in a timely manner preventing major damage or irrevocable failure. "Challenges [...]

2022-12-12T10:31:52-10:00December 9th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Featured Homepage Top|

Spotlight on Youth: HHF Intern Camille Dahmen

Meet HHF Intern Camille Dahmen!   Camille Dahmen graduated from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa with a B.A. in History and Political Science in May 2022. Camille began her internship with HHF in late June completing her HHF experience at the Preservation Honor Awards on October 20th. Her interests proved a natural fit for the world of preservation and her enthusiasm for Hawai‘i’s layered history was contagious! During her time with HHF, Camille helped at the Statues of O‘ahu Walking Tour in Waikīkī and the 2022 Preservation Honor Awards and participated in staff outings to view the historic Haleʻiwa’s interpretive signage project and tour the Liljestrand House in Tantalus, O‘ahu. (View photo gallery at bottom.) The interview below took place in October 2022.  An abridged version appears in the HHF November 2022 newsletter.   Historic Hawai‘i Foundation: Tell us a little about yourself- where are you from, what are your interests and hobbies? Camille Dahmen: I am from California and came to Hawai‘i to go to UH Mānoa. Originally, I came here to major in marine biology, but being immersed in the deep and profound history and culture here made me want to pursue my love and passion for history and political science. I have always been interested in history, playing sports like basketball and volleyball, reading and writing, trying new / fun food places, and going to the beach! HHF: You’ve been employed while interning. Tell us about where you work, what you do there and why it lights you up? Camille Dahmen: While interning at Historic Hawai‘i Foundation I have also been working as a docent at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum on Ford Island. The museum recently opened to [...]

2022-12-12T10:32:28-10:00December 9th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Featured Homepage Top|
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