79 S. Nimitz Hwy, Honolulu, 96813
(1) 2-1-001:005
SHPD Historic Site Number
Not Yet Available
Historic Designations:
Hawai‘i Register of Historic Places
The Matson Navigation Co. Building was constructed in 1952 by the Territorial Board of Harbor Commissioners established after Annexation. It is significant under Criterion A in the categories of Commerce and Maritime History for its association with the Matson Navigation Company and the Territorial Board of Harbor Commissioners. The Harbors Commission oversaw the development of Honolulu Harbor, Hawai’i’s main seaport, during the islands’ territorial era. Matson moved into the building at the brink of the jet age, entered the shipping business and nulled its passenger ships by the early 1960s. The building is also eligible under Criterion C as an excellent example of modern design and a distinctive International Style. Designed by Charles Wagner, elements of the style include its cantilevered canopy, smooth stucco walls, and expanses of ribbon windows.