Honouliuli Stream, Ewa, HI 96706
Honouliuli Stream, Ewa, HI 96706
The Honouliuli Stream Bridge is a single-span, reinforced concrete tee-beam structure with a span length of 54 feet and a width of 32 feet. It rises about 10 over the stream bed. The decorative railings, with elongated Greek-cross voids, are typical of the era in which it was built. Built in 1939, this Farrington Road bridge crosses the Honouliuli Stream, representing a transportation improvement for the whole Leeward Community. Up until that point, the Waianae Road (before it was named Farrington Road) traversed the stream via a winding path over a smaller bridge which can still be seen on the makai side of the Kahi Mohall complex.
The Honouliuli Stream Bridge is a single-span, reinforced concrete tee-beam structure with a span length of 54 feet and a width of 32 feet. It rises about 10 over the stream bed. The decorative railings, with elongated Greek-cross voids, are typical of the era in which it was built. Built in 1939, this Farrington Road bridge crosses the Honouliuli Stream, representing a transportation improvement for the whole Leeward Community. Up until that point, the Waianae Road (before it was named Farrington Road) traversed the stream via a winding path over a smaller bridge which can still be seen on the makai side of the Kahi Mohall complex.