Visit Hawai‘i’s Historic Places on Kaua‘i


View The Koloa Story Map

Kōloa Story Map

Explore the life-giving waters and storied places of Kōloa on the island of Kaua‘i and trace its history from earliest settlement through the sugar plantation era, to present day community stewardship.

Wailua Heritage Trail

Wailua Bay marks the start of Hawai’i’s largest river on Kaua’i’s eastern coast. Drive from Wailua Bay past ancient heiau sites and up along the Wailua River for majestic views of natural and cultural landmarks from Kaua’i’s storied past.

Kōloa Heritage Trail

On the south shore of Kaua’i, the Kōloa District reaches from the mountains to the sea, preserving the story of this part of Kaua’i from ancient times, through sugar cane days and Hawai‘is multicultural history. Drive the route from Spouting Horn past Po’ipu to Makawehi and Pa’a Sand Dunes, and up through Kōloa town.

Nā Wahi Pana o Kaua’i – Historic Sites on Kaua’i

Enjoy a go at your own pace driving tour of 11 important historic sites on the island of Kaua’i from the North Shore to Koke’e State Park. Mapped by Kaua’i Historical Society.

Wailua I Ke Awawa O Na Ali‘i

This stunning video presents the cultural importance of Wailuanuiahoano, the great sacred Wailua, located in the lower portion of the Wailua, Kaua‘i River Valley. Captured are the abundance of historic sites in this rich cultural landscape and the genealogies, stories and histories of the people who lived there. The video was produced by the Hawaii Department of Transportation & Palikū Documentary films and directed by Nā‘ālehu Anthony.

Holo Holo Koloa Scenic Byway

In Hawaiian, the term holo holo means to go for a drive or a ride. This story begins on the Maluhia Road with a magical passage through a tree tunnel that transports you into the old sugar plantation town of Koloa, and even further back into time to a recently discovered ancient Hawaiian village named Kaneiolouma Heiau. You’ll also discover salt ponds, world-class Poipu Beach, a sacred hula mound named Pau a Laka and National Tropical Botanical Garden with the largest collection of endangered plant species in the world, as well as many other historically significant sites.  The Holoholo Koloa scenic byway is a project of Malama Koloa.

Before exploring, learn more about the history of the area beginning with pre-contact Hawaiian life.