
The Hale‘iwa Special District Story Map: A Historic Village by the Sea

While you're home due to COVID-19, take a virtual tour of the built and cultural sites in historic Hale‘iwa Town on O‘ahu’s North Shore. Expanded content features additional architectural and cultural history and highlights local businesses. Click on the link to the left from your smart phone or tablet to begin! There are 40 stops that may be followed sequentially though not required.  Hale‘iwa Story Map is a collaboration between Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, Cultural Surveys Hawai‘i and Hale‘iwa Main Street dba North Shore Chamber of Commerce. Research was provided by Brittany Lindo, a student intern from the Environmental + Interior Design program at Chaminade University. Mahalo to our Sponsor & Project Partner  

2020-05-13T14:35:27-10:00February 18th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Uncategorized|
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2020 Preservation Honor Awards Nominations

Do you know of an outstanding preservation project completed within the past two years? Nominate it for Historic Hawaii Foundation’s Preservation Honor Awards!  HHF presents awards in several categories, including honors presented for specific preservation or rehabilitation projects; printed publications or visual presentations which interpret the history or preservation of a site; and for engaging in efforts that support preservation.  Nominations are due by February 7th, 2020

2020-02-18T16:25:59-10:00December 6th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |
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Make a Gift to Bring Positive Change to Our Communities

Over the past year, public outcry opposing development of sacred and historic sites has captured headlines. Capacity and sustainability remain a serious concern. Local leadership has, in some cases, needed to be reminded of established standards and regulations. How do we protect places that are meaningful to our communities amidst these challenges?  By making a gift to Historic Hawaii Foundation's Annual Fund you can bring positive change to communities. Hāna, Hamakua and Kapaia are examples of how preserving a place enriches people's lives.

2020-01-13T13:53:23-10:00December 2nd, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

2020 Preservation Honor Awards Call for Nominations

Do you know of an outstanding preservation project completed within the past two years? Nominate it for Historic Hawaii Foundation’s Preservation Honor Awards! Nominations are due by February 7, 2020. The 46th Annual Preservation Honor Awards Ceremony will be held in Honolulu on May15, 2020.

2019-12-06T13:17:47-10:00November 26th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

It’s Give Aloha Month!

It is September, which means it is Give Aloha month! From September 1-30, you can donate up to $249 to participating Hawai‘i non-profit organizations at checkout. Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation made with a Maika‘i card. How to Donate: Shop at any Foodland, Foodland Farms, or Sack N Save Show your Maika‘i card to the cashier at checkout Tell the cashier Historic Hawai‘i Foundation's code 77064 and the amount of your donation Review your receipt to confirm the following appears: Historic Hawai‘i Foundation Your donation amount Your Maika‘i number Thank you for your continued support of HHF!!!

2019-11-19T13:22:20-10:00September 5th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

2019 Preservation Honor Awards Call for Nominations

Do you know of an outstanding preservation project completed within the past two years? Nominate it for Historic Hawaii Foundation’s Preservation Honor Awards! Nominations are due by February 11, 2019. The 45th Annual Preservation Honor Awards Ceremony will be held in Honolulu on May 31, 2019.

2019-02-15T11:51:20-10:00December 19th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Help Save Historic Places with a Gift to the Annual Fund

Now more than ever, taking collective action is vital to saving these precious places. YOU can make a difference to effect change. Please support Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s 2018 Annual Fund and help Historic Hawai‘i continue to represent historic places and serve as Hawai‘i’s advocate for preservation.

2019-01-03T12:01:47-10:00November 26th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

“Preservation Essentials” Seminar Series – August 2018

  In August 2018, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation will continue its popular statewide educational seminars to provide community training on historic preservation. This year’s topics include: the purpose of preservation; the framework, inclusive of roles and responsibilities; stewardship of historic properties; best practices and tips for success and preservation tools and resources. NOTICE:  August 10 seminar on Molokai has been cancelled. The half day seminar combines lecture, local examples, question and answer session and a group activity. The goal is to share knowledge and tools with the public to help them save and preserve historic properties and cultural sites. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Community members and professionals who care about preserving the built and cultural sites that tell the stories of Hawai‘i’s history. ATTENDEES WILL LEARN: The definition of historic preservation and how it benefits communities How to identify historic properties The framework of federal, state and local preservation programs Standards and guidelines for the treatment and stewardship of historic properties Tools and resources for historic preservation Presenters: Kiersten Faulkner, Executive Director, Historic Hawaii Foundation; and Elaine Jackson-Retondo, National Park Service Elaine Jackson-Retondo is the Preservation Partnerships and History Programs Manager in the National Park Service Pacific West Regional Office. She earned her Doctorate in Architectural History and Masters of Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley and her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. She has worked in the National Park Service since 2002. Dr. Jackson-Retondo’s current and past work has included the National Park Service’s American Latino Heritage Initiative, Asian American Pacific Islander Initiative, Japanese American confinement during World War II, Cesar Chavez and the Farmworker Movement, [...]

2018-08-17T16:56:19-10:00July 10th, 2018|Categories: Events - Past, Uncategorized|

44th annual Preservation Honor Awards

The 44th annual Preservation Honor Awards presentation was held on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at the YWCA Laniakea in Honolulu. Honor Awards were given to projects that exhibit excellence in planning, implementation, and follow-through of work that demonstrates historic preservation as a strategy for the protection, understanding, revitalization, use or celebration of Hawai‘i’s historic and cultural sites.

2018-08-17T16:59:26-10:00April 9th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|
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