
Preservation Awards Spotlight: Naval Air Station Barbers Point

NAS Barber Point's Storied History By Kristen Pedersen  Naval Air Station Barbers Point Entrance Who was Barber? Barbers Point was named for Henry Barber, the captain of the Arthur, a 100-foot British vessel that ran aground at the point during a storm in 1796. According to various sources, Barber was on his way from Honolulu to Kauai to pick up a load of yams when a storm hit Oahu. Barber “determined to get underway despite the storm, hoisted anchor...All other captains held their ships in port while Arthur was deluged by wind, rain and pounding surf.” The ship went down taking with it six crewmembers. The survivors struggled ashore near a tract of land referred to by native Hawaiians as "Kalaeloa" (long cape or headland), a legendary birthplace of Hawaiian kings. Kalaeloa later became known as Barbers Point. Both names are used today.   Naval Air Station (NAS) Barbers Point NAS Barbers Point began life in the early 1930’s when the Navy leased some land from the James Campbell estate to moor a blimp (dirigible). A few years later, the Navy leased another section of the estate to build an outlying field near the mooring, but it was never used. Not an auspicious start! In 1940, after the original lease expired, an additional parcel of 3500 acres was acquired by the Navy to enlarge the outlying field and establish the Ewa Marine Corps Air Station. It was completed in 1941. Around this same time, the Navy decided to expand its aviation facility at Barbers Point, but base construction was interrupted by the attack on Oahu on December 7, 1941. The main concentration of the attack occurred at Pearl Harbor, but several other installations [...]

2017-05-17T11:58:05-10:00May 17th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Preservation Awards Spotlight: Reflections on Talk Story on the Land Hikes at the Nu‘u Refuge

The Hawaiian Islands Land Trust’s Talk Story on the Land environmental education series, a free, public hike series on properties protected by the Hawaiian Island Land Trust, will receive a Preservation Commendation at the 2017 Preservation Honor Awards.   The program provides residents and visitors the opportunity to visit these lands to witness responsible stewardship, learn about the natural history and cultural significance of each place, and the vital necessity of conserving them. To date, 1,300 individuals have participated on 63 hikes to properties including Waihe'e Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge, Nu‘u Refuge on Maui and Maunawila Heiau Preserve on O‘ahu.  By providing a personal experience of these places, the Talk Story on The Land program is a successful means of engaging the public in the benefits of conservation and preservation. Maui's Nuʻu Refuge Shares Kupuna Wisdom from the Natural World By Scott Fisher, Ph.D. Leading our Talk Story on the Land hikes at our Nuʻu Refuge, on Maui’s arid south east coast, is an amazing experience.  These excursions are an opportunity for us to learn more about our land, to dig deeper to learn the stories of ka poʻe kahiko, the people of old, who lived and thrived on this land, and to understand the importance of these special places. Based on the landscape, it makes sense that one of the most common question I am asked is “how did people survive in this dry, arid land?”  I really love this question since it gives me an opportunity to explain how caring for the land will lead to sustainability and abundance.  Our kupuna knew how to do this, and not only lived sustainably, but thrived.  We can learn so much from them--their stories are recorded on the land; [...]

2017-07-07T12:21:36-10:00May 15th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Anniversary Spotlight: Manago Hotel – Home Away from Home for 100 Years

Congratulations to Manago Hotel on their centennial anniversary! Manago will be awarded an Anniversary Recognition at the 2017 Preservation Honor Awards Celebration on May 19. Hotel History Manago Hotel is located in Captain Cook Town on the slopes of Mauna Loa at an elevation of 1,350 ft. It overlooks the beautiful Kealakekua Bay, and the ancient Hawaiian Place of Refuge in Honaunau. Named after the family who founded it, Manago endures as a piece of old Hawai‘i attracting visitors from around the world. Woven into the Manago Hotel’s history are the captivating stories of two immigrants who came to Hawai‘i from Japan. Kinzo arrived while en route to Canada to study English. When one of his travelling companions lost his money gambling in Honolulu, Kinzo came to Hawai‘i Island to look up a relative and find work. He became a cook for the Wallace family in Captain Cook, settled in and saved money to send away for a picture bride. Osame was one of 14,000-plus picture brides who immigrated to Hawai‘i between 1907–1923. She arrived in Honolulu in 1913 where she and Kinzo married at a Shinto shrine. A farmer’s daughter, Osame was a hard worker. She soon found work sorting coffee beans for the Captain Cook Coffee Mill and embroidering linens. Manago Hotel in its early years. The Wallaces encouraged the couple to open a coffee shop, loaning them $100. The Managos bought a small building and divided it into two rooms: one for their personal use and the other for a sink, stove, and table for making udon (noodles). In addition to the udon, they baked bread to serve with jam and coffee. The couple also did laundry and made a [...]

2017-05-11T15:37:12-10:00May 11th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Community Reflections on Places That Matter

For Preservation Month, we tapped into our diverse local community to find out more about the historic places they love and why they care about preserving them. We'll be adding new content at the top of the page weekly on an ongoing basis to capture the essence of the historic places we cherish and want to protect. The Kalahuipuaa Fish Ponds (shown above) are located at the Mauna Lani Resort on Hawaii Island and date back to 250 BC based on bottom samples. They are one of our favorite historic places and emit a tangible reminder of  a Hawaii before Western contact when a simpler way of life, one which understood and integrated the Islands' natural ecosystems into everyday existence, was prevalent. The fish ponds now serve as a powerful tool for sharing cultural education with the modern world. Our Favorite Historic Places and Why We Care Building 1102 on Hickam Field, also known as Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Oahu John Lohr in front of the Courtyard of Heroes As the former Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Historic Preservation Officer (2014-2017) and 30 years of military service (with two tours at Hickam Air Force Base), I could easily list several historic places across the State of Hawaii. However, I selected Building 1102 on Hickam Field (also known as Headquarters Pacific Air Forces) as “my favorite historic place”. More specifically, the “Court Yard of Heroes” located within Building 1102. Bullet holes riddle the exterior of the PACAF Building on Hickam Air Force Base. The structure was once the barracks of the airmen during the 1941 attack. (Photo/caption from Cindy Ellen Russell, Honolulu Star Advertiser) The Court Yard of Heroes was established in 1995 and dedicated during the 50th Anniversary commemorating the [...]

2017-11-16T14:18:54-10:00May 11th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Final Harvest Ends Hawaii Sugar Industry

The musing below by Jill Engledow captures the wistful nostalgia of the plantation era and its end. Jill's recent book, "Sugarcane Days: Remembering Maui’s Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company", is the recipient of a 2017 Honor Award for Achievements in Interpretive Media.  Green cane still grows on fields left fallow by the closing of Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., the last sugar plantation in the Islands. Winter rains have kept the ratoon crop alive on some 36,000 acres of the great plantation begun in the 1870s by Samuel T. Alexander and Henry P. Baldwin and their rival, Claus Spreckels. But the old mill is still, its tall stacks no longer sending out the plumes of smoke that acted as a weather vane for generations of Central Maui residents. Six hundred laid-off workers are figuring out what to do with the rest of their lives. Alongside a cane-field road, a couple of out-of-work Tournahaulers stand idle, their chain-net sides examples of the ingenuity of generations of plantation workers who shaped tools and processes to meet their needs. That ingenuity helped keep this plantation in business longer than any other, despite financial losses and ongoing community conflict over cane smoke and the control of water from mountain streams. Other remnants remain of the plantation life that ruled this island and its neighbors for nearly two centuries--an old market, church buildings, a school, a pool, a post office. Here and there in the fields, a stand of trees memorializes the site of a camp, a village where workers lived, and just down the road is busy Kahului, the town the plantation built to replace those camps. Across from the mill, two old houses remain, home to the Alexander & [...]

2017-05-10T11:07:56-10:00May 9th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

National Monument Designations & the Antiquities Act: What You Need to Know

President Trump's recent executive order calling for the Department of the Interior to review all National Monument designations over 100,000 acres or "made without adequate public outreach" from the past 21 years has triggered much discussion surrounding the Antiquities Act. Our friends at Preservation Action and the National Trust for Historic Preservation have issued statements which we share below.  We also wanted to spotlight a few of Hawaii's National Monuments that could be affected. Preservation Action notes that:  This order impacts dozens of natural, cultural and historically significant sites across the country. Presidents Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Obama all used the Antiquities Act of 1906 to permanently protect iconic places as National Monuments over the last 21 years. President Trump called the recent use of the Antiquities Act an "egregious use of government power." Both Republican and Democratic presidents going back to Theodore Roosevelt, have used the Antiquities Act to protect critically important natural and historic resources for future generations. The Antiquities Act has been used to protect sites like the Grand Canyon and the Statue of Liberty, to more recently protecting sites like the Stonewall Inn in New York and Bears Ears National Monument in Utah. The review ordered by President Trump could lead to big changes to the size of several national monuments or the rescinding of national monuments. Secretary of Interior, Ryan Zinke, said he would have recommendations on the Bear's Ears National Monument in 45 days and a complete report in 120 days. Preservation Action is extremely concerned by this latest executive order. The Antiquities Act has been used to establish more than 150 National Monuments, protecting iconic landscapes and historic sites across the country, while benefiting local communities through [...]

2017-05-04T12:35:29-10:00May 4th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Preservation Awards Spotlight: Ewa Community Church

Project Spotlight  Ewa Community Church, 91-1258 Renton Road, Ewa Beach Built: 1926 Designed by: Herbert Cohen Cayton Architecture style: Gothic Revival Preservation Award Honoree, 2017 Ewa Community Church is tucked away next to the Ewa Elementary School located in the ever-expanding neighborhood of Ewa. The building has a typical cruciform layout with an entrance on the side of the nave, instead of at the end opposite the altar.  The only exterior embellishments are the stained glass in Gothic-arched windows.  The church was originally built to service the Ewa Plantation workers residing in the village and was redone in 1937 keeping only the original framework. The church is a vital part of the local community and is currently home to the United Church of Christ congregation.  The restoration of the church began as a stained glass window repair project which, once underway, grew to include a condition assessment to establish interior and exterior maintenance and repair priorities, structural repair requirements and plans to improve accessibility and campus-wide electrical service. The bulk of the project was completed in 2016 with restoration work on the aging building supported by a preservation grant through the Freeman Foundation’s partnership with Historic Hawai‘i Foundation. The project thoughtfully restored the church which is an integral part of the Ewa Historic Sugar Plantation Historic District. The church continues today in its important role as a religious and community gathering place. The success in preserving this historical church is a positive example of the possibilities for other plantation village buildings and dwellings in disrepair in the surrounding neighborhood. Ewa Community Church will be recognized with a Preservation Award at the 2017 Honor Awards Ceremony & Celebration on May 19. Also honored will be project contributors Mason Architects, Robert Marcos, Inc. and James [...]

2017-05-30T14:00:09-10:00April 28th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Curtis and Victoria Ward’s Legacy

The Wards, Old Plantation, and New Ward Village By Kristen Pedersen  Imagine owning all the property between Thomas Square on King Street down to the ocean, including most of eastern Kaka’ako. Now envision the property, not as part of urban Honolulu, but as a green and productive plantation, as it was in the 1880’s. This vision was real and it began in 1870 when Curtis and Victoria Ward purchased this exact 100 acres of land. Over the next several years, the Wards established a self-sufficient farm and built a beautiful Southern-style house, called Old Plantation. The house was located on the mauka side of the property, and included an artesian well, a large fishpond, vegetable and flower gardens, more than 7000 coconut trees, and extensive pastures dedicated to raising horses and cattle. Victoria Ward raised 7 daughters_Photo credit - Victoria Ward Ltd According to Frank Ward Hustace, in his book “Victoria Ward and Her Family: Memories of Old Plantation,” the fishpond was filled with amaama, mullet, and aholehole. The artesian well was fed by a spring of cool water, as clear as glass. According to Hustace, “Queen Emma loved the cool water from the Wards’ artesian well and would stop to drink out of kaio leaves folded into cups.” Unfortunately, Curtis Ward did not get to enjoy the plantation for long. Just a year after construction on the house was finished, Curtis died and Victoria took over the plantation’s commercial operations. She successfully ran the business on her own until 1930 when she and her seven daughters established Victoria Ward Ltd, which assumed daily management of the property. Victoria died in 1935. Curtis Perry Ward died at age 53_ Photo credit Victoria Ward Ltd [...]

2017-04-28T12:51:59-10:00April 27th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

The Labor Murals of Ceramicist Isami Enomoto

Our friends at Docomomo Hawaii shared a serendipitous story of how they came to be the proud caretakers of a set of five murals by renowned Hawaii artist,  Isami Enomoto. After agreeing to take the murals and not knowing who would adopt them for display, a series of "chance encounters" led them to the Center for Labor Education at West Oahu College, a perfect fit. THE PROJECT: On Oct. 31, 2015, the Bank of Hawaii, closed its Kapahulu branch and sold the building, which was home to a set of five 1961 murals by acclaimed Hawai‘i artist Isami Enomoto depicting labor in the islands. The bank did not want to keep the murals, and when none of the state’s established art institutions were able to accept them, Docomomo Hawai‘i assumed responsibility for the preservation of these artistically and historically important murals. The Bank of Hawaii donated the artwork, which was appraised at $50,000, to the organization. To date Docomomo Hawai`i has spent $5,000 for the moving, crating, and storage of the works, which range in size from 6'-8"x6'-6" to 11'-2"x6'-2 , with the largest piece estimated to weigh 650 pounds. Happily, Docomomo Hawai‘i has found a home for the murals at the Center for Labor Education at West Oahu College, which has agreed to publicly display them, and Docomomo is raising funds to prepare the wall, and clean, repair, move and install the them. The goal is to preserve and share this unique modern art with the people of Hawai‘i. THE ART: Rendered in a style reminiscent of Depression Era public works art projects, these five murals by Isami Enomoto depict laborers and occupations, vividly capturing an important moment in Hawai‘i's history. Commissioned by the [...]

2017-04-21T01:00:51-10:00April 11th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Volunteer at Loko Paaiau Fishpond on Earth Day

HHF In the Field Last week, HHF staff participated in the annual Cultural Resources Management meetings with Navy Region Hawai`i and Marine Corps Base Hawai`i this week. The 4 days of meetings and site visits are held to review all preservation actions from the previous year and prepare for coordination for anticipated projects in the coming year. The meetings included an opportunity for site visits to nearby historical and cultural sites and a memorable one was the trip to Loko Paaiau fishpond which is about 400 years old. Volunteer to help clean up the fishpond on Earth Day, April 22, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon Sailors and local volunteers pick invasive mangroves out of the ground during a July 18 cleanup at the ancient fishpond, Loko Pa’aiau, at McGrew Point Navy housing on Oahu. The fishpond restoration started September 2014 and is an ongoing cultural resources project involving the Navy and the local community. U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Laurie Dexter The Navy and the Aiea Native Hawaiian Civic Club are partnering to clean up the Loko Paaiau fishpond. Volunteer for clean-up efforts this Earth Day and help remove invasive vegetation and plant native vegetation.  Other volunteer activities may include trash pick up and restoration of the makai wall and other features.     Volunteers will be briefed on the archaeological and cultural background of the fishpond, natural resources of the area and storm water issues. They'll be time for question and answers and light snacks will be provided. To volunteer, contact Jeff Pantaleo, 471-1171 X368 / by April 17.  

2017-04-21T01:00:52-10:00April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Blog|
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