
Giving Thanks

Thanks for all you do to help preserve Hawai‘i’s historic places! Here's some highlights from 2017 that you helped make possible. January 26: (left to right) Iolani Palace Docent Educator, Zita Cup Choy; Iolani Palace Curator, Teresa Valencia & Dr. William Chapman, Director of the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation and Professor in the Department of American Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, at the first of five Experts at the Cathedral lectures.   February 21: Līhu‘e residents showing the postcards they signed in support of saving the Līhu‘e Post Office from closure and relocation.   April 1: Our first-ever Mission Houses Saturday Sketch event paired art and heritage.   May 19: Architectural historian Don Hibbard accepting the Frank Haines Award. Mr. Haines unexpectedly passed away this year. A memorial service is scheduled for December 27th at the Star of the Sea Church.                             July 1: Learning about the history and culture of Waimea Valley at our Volunteer Mahalo event.   July 12: Welcoming our 2017-2018 Board of Trustees at the Historic Hawai‘i Foundation Annual Meeting.    August 4: Community members working on a preservation case study at our Tools for Saving Places seminar on Maui. The seminars, a collaboration with National Park Service, were held between August 2 and August 11 on Kaua‘i, Maui, Hawai‘i Island (Hilo and Kona) and O‘ahu. August 17: Sean McNamara sharing Native Hawaiian History of Leahi Crater at our Diamond Head Unseen Walking Tour, a collaboration with Hawai‘i State Parks (photo credit: Denby Fawcett).  

2017-12-13T12:04:28-10:00November 21st, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Legislation to Honor Nation’s World War I Memorials

Repost Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Legislation to Honor Nation’s World War I Memorials November 9, 2017 Press Release Washington, DC—Ahead of the 100th Anniversary of World War I next year, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) today introduced bipartisan legislation to rehabilitate World War I memorials in Hawai‘i and across the country. H.R. 4328, the Honoring World War I Memorial Act of 2017 would authorize $50 million awarded through VA grants to eligible entities for the rehabilitation of World War I memorials throughout the United States. Eligible entities include non-profit organizations or state or local governments with direct jurisdiction over the rehabilitation of a World War I memorial. Hawai‘i is home to one eligible World War I memorial at Waikiki Natatorium, along with 47 other states. In recognition of Veterans Day, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will deliver the keynote address during the Veterans' Day Ceremony in commemoration of the 99th Anniversary of the end of World War I at the Waikiki Natatorium this Saturday, November 11. “More than four million brave men and women, including 10,000 soldiers from the territory of Hawai‘i, bravely served our country during World War I,” said Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “Nearly a century later, many of the memorials, like the WWI Waikiki Natatorium in Hawai‘i, are deteriorating, decaying, and crumbling due to decades of neglect, and many have been closed to the public for decades. The heroes of World War I fought bravely and sacrificed greatly for our country and deserve places of rest and reflection that honor their service. Passing the Honoring World War I Memorials Act of 2017 to restore our country’s World War I memorials would provide a small measure of our nation’s gratitude to those who served and sacrificed.” “Part [...]

2017-11-21T02:02:57-10:00November 9th, 2017|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

UPDATE on the Federal Historic Tax Credit

12/20/2017: We're pleased to share that the 20 percent federal historic tax credit (HTC) is included in the tax reform package that has now passed the House and Senate and is on its way to the President’s desk for signature. Keeping the HTC as a permanent part of the tax code is a significant victory for the preservation community—especially considering that the first House version eliminated the credit. This extraordinary success underscores the power of the credit and the broad support it has earned in the preservation community.  Its inclusion in the most expansive overhaul of our nation’s tax code in more than three decades is a reaffirmation that reviving older and historic buildings is sound federal policy and good for the nation. The final version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) passed by Congress keeps the historic tax credit at 20 percent but requires that the credit be taken over five years instead of all at once at the time of project completion.  The legislation also repeals the 10 percent rehabilitation tax credit for non-historic buildings. While we were not able to maintain the status quo in all respects, this outcome reflects the widespread support for preserving our historic buildings from stakeholders across the country and bold leadership by several members of Congress who have long championed historic rehabilitation as a way to revitalize our communities. The Federal Historic Tax Credit is Under Threat. Find Out How You Can Help Protect It. WHAT IS IT? The Federal Historic Tax Credit (FHTC) program encourages private sector investment in the rehabilitation and re-use of historic buildings. It provides a 20% tax credit for the certified rehabilitation of historic structures and a 10% tax [...]

2018-02-02T00:21:28-10:00October 30th, 2017|Categories: Advocacy, Blog|

Energy Conservation Measures for Historic Buildings

Glenn Mason, FAIA, president of Mason Architects, Inc.; Joseph Higgin, PE, associate principal/Hawaii operations manager with Allana Buick & Bers; and Ramsey Brown, resource acquisition manager with Hawaii Energy presented a session on energy conservation measures for historic buildings at the 2017 Pacific Building Trade Expo on October 24.  The session covered what makes a historic building unique, shared energy efficiency incentives and programs, and discussed how to appropriately incorporate these to reduce building maintenance and performance costs while maintaining the historic integrity of the property. Click here to access the presentation.

2017-10-25T13:49:41-10:00October 25th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Events - Past|

Support Preservation this September through Foodland’s “Give Aloha” Campaign

Historic Hawaii Foundation will participate in Foodland's Annual Community Matching Gifts Program beginning September 1 What? Give Aloha, Foodland's Annual Community Matching Gifts Program, was created in 1999 to honor Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. "Sully" Sullivan, and continue his legacy of giving back to the community.  "Maurice J. "Sully" Sullivan (October 1909 – February 28, 1998) was an immigrant from Ireland who moved to Hawaii and was the co-founder, with See Goo Lau, of Foodland Super Markets, the largest and only locally owned supermarket chain in Hawaii.[1][2] The first store opened on May 6, 1948 in Honolulu, Hawaii.[3] By 2007, Foodland stores could be found on each of the four largest Hawaiian Islands and is the flagship of the Sullivan Family of Companies." (Wikipedia)[2][4]    How to Help Make a donation to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization, too! Make a donation to our organization at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization, too! 1)  Show your Maika‘i Card and make a donation to our organization (up to $249 per person) at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout from September 1-30, 2017. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation's donation code is 77064. 2)  Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match all donations up to a total of at least $300,000 for all organizations combined. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

2017-10-04T23:48:11-10:00August 31st, 2017|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

October Events on Kaua‘i & O‘ahu Foster Appreciation of Modern Architecture

Kaua‘i Modern Events to Share Mid-Century Modern Architecture within a Historical and Social Context This October, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation is partnering with the Hawai‘i chapter of Docomomo US to produce a multi-faceted study of Modern architecture on Kaua‘i.  Architectural historian Don Hibbard and noted author Pat Griffin will provide insight on the architectural features, historical background and social context of Modernist buildings and places around Kaua‘i, beautifully photographed by David Franzen. Project takeaways will include a full-color booklet, guided walking tour in Līhu‘e, as well as school presentations and community gatherings in both Līhu‘e and Honolulu.  Funded in part by a grant from the Hawai‘i Council of the Humanities, the project aims to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of Modern architecture statewide among the general public and all age groups from youth to kūpuna. The booklet will be available in mid-September with tours and public presentations to be held in early October. To encourage appreciation of these notable historic places, the booklet will be distributed to all local public libraries, private school libraries, government leaders and policy makers.  To purchase a copy, please contact Historic Hawai‘i Foundation in mid-September at 523-2900 or email Click here to download flier. Related events: Līhu‘e Modern Architecture Presentation & Talk Story Friday, October 6 5:00- 7:00 PM Līhu‘e Civic Center, Moikeha Conference Room 2A/2B 4444 Rice Street, Interactive discussion will look at Līhu‘e’s past and reflect on the historic events and social changes that influenced its built environment. Free and open to the public. Registration required. Click here to reserve your space.   Līhu‘e Walking Tour Saturday, October 7 Tour 3:00-5:00 pm Pau Hana 5:00-7:00 pm Meet in front of the Līhu‘e Civic Center, 4444 [...]

2017-10-31T15:52:44-10:00August 22nd, 2017|Categories: Blog, Events - Past|

Honolulu Council Considering Bill to Raise Taxes on Historic Homes

Honolulu Council Bill CB52 (2017) Proposes Increase to Minimum Annual Property Tax on Historic Homes 7/7/2017:  Honolulu City Council has scheduled a public hearing on CB52 CD1 (2017) proposing to raise the annual minimum property tax for historic residences dedicated to preservation to $1000 per year. The minimum property tax for other exemption categories would remain at the current level of $300 annually. The Council hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 12 in Council Chambers at Honolulu Hale. The meeting begins at 10 a.m., with the public hearings scheduled after other matters.  The agenda is available in the sidebar to the right. Under the current tax incentive program for preserving historic homes, property owners may receive a tax exemption for the portion of the property dedicated for historic preservation, subject to conditions that include the property being listed on the Hawai‘i register of historic places, retaining the historic character, providing visual access from the public way and installing a plaque about the historic significance (ROH Sec 8-10.22). The City provides at least 24 categories for property tax exemptions to encourage and support a variety of public benefits, including historic preservation, child care centers, credit unions, slaughterhouses, industrial development, air pollution control, crop shelters, alternative energy development, public service, agriculture, kuleana lands, charitable purposes, low-income rental housing and others. If CB 52 CD1 (2017) is approved, historic residential properties and credit unions would be subject to the higher annual minimum tax rate; other exemptions that qualify under their programs would pay the lower rate. Written testimony should be submitted 24 hours in advance, by Tuesday, July 11.  It may be transmitted via internet at for distribution at the meeting or faxed [...]

2017-10-04T23:49:07-10:00June 23rd, 2017|Categories: Advocacy, Blog|

Treasures in our Backyard: Manoa Heritage Center & Kūaliʻi

This hidden gem nestled in Manoa is a 3.5-acre living classroom that promotes the understanding of Hawaiʻi's natural and cultural heritage. Tours are offered for adults and school children by reservation only. As described on the Center's website, tours include a pleasant 1-hour outdoor guided walk through a garden of Native Hawaiian and Polynesian introduced plants; broad views of the Mānoa Valley; a close look at Kūkaʻōʻō Heiau, (an ancient Hawaiian sacred stone structure) as well as the history of Kūaliʻi, the private home of Sam and Mary Cooke, which will one day be open to the public as a museum.  Kokiʻo keʻokeʻo in the Native Hawaiian Garden. Photo credit: Mānoa Heritage Center. Kūka‘ō‘ō Heiau. Photo credit: Mānoa Heritage Center Just 10-minutes from busy downtown Honolulu, this wahi pana immediately engages everyone as they enter from Mānoa Road and see before them Kūaliʻi, a well preserved 106-year old tudor-style house. A peaceful walk with trained volunteer docents through a Native Hawaiian garden and  spectacular valley views beyond ancient Kūkaʻōʻō Heiau provide an interactive experience for those interested in Mānoa’s transition over time, conservation of rare native plants, legends from the past and important cultural practices passed down through kūpuna. Inspired by Sam and Mary Cooke who founded Mānoa Heritage Center over 21 years ago, stewardship of this special place continues for generations to come. Click here to learn more about Mānoa Heritage Center and to make a reservation for a tour.

2017-06-21T09:50:24-10:00June 21st, 2017|Categories: Blog|

A New Exhibit about the History of Honolulu Hale Opens June 10

Project Spotlight: The Honolulu Hale Through the Times exhibit was unveiled in June 2017 and will be displayed in the 3rd floor gallery of Honolulu Hale until the end of June 2017 in celebration of the building and the people who have contributed to its evolution over the years. The Exhibit is a glimpse into the past that provokes thought for future planning and inspires visitors to take a personal interest in the building – to care for the future of this important landmark of Honolulu. What is it? A series of panels containing general history of Honolulu Hale, historic photos and personal feedback from Mayor Caldwell and City Councilmembers Starting with the history of how the original Honolulu Hale came to be in Hawaii, the first few panels describe the history of the need, design and execution of the building. The panels then move to discuss certain highlights in Honolulu Hale’s evolution including changes and alterations that have been made over the years. This is followed by detailed information regarding the most distinct features of the space and the stories behind each element. The exhibit ends with personal feedback from Mayor Kirk Caldwell and City Councilmembers offering opinions and suggestions for the continued preservation and improvement of one of Honolulu’s most important structures. A unique feature of the exhibit is the final board where visitors to the exhibit are asked to share personal memories and thoughts for the future of Honolulu Hale. How was it created? Minatoishi Architects designed this exhibit with the help of the City & County of Honolulu and the State Historic Preservation Division. Combined research between Minatoishi Architects, MOCA and the State Historic Preservation Division was gathered and combined to generate [...]

2017-06-09T14:30:04-10:00June 9th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

Preservation Awards Spotlight: Hilton Hawaiian Village’s History Wall Exhibit

Project Spotlight:  Hilton Hawaiian Village's History Wall was unveiled in 2016, in celebration of the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort's 55th anniversary. The Exhibit is a wonder to behold. One can literally lose oneself in the past perusing the panels and taking in all the details. One things's for sure, after spending time learning the history, Waikiki, and Hawaii, will never look the same. What is it? A timeline of pivotal moments in the history of this Waikīkī resort. Starting with the priority of “place,” the wall describes the site’s origin, Kalia fishing village, and its cultural roots. The wall then chronicles the people who helped shape tourism, music and entertainment in Hawai‘i and also shares the story of developer Henry Kaiser and the distinctive features of the Village that he envisioned.  The Hilton Hawaiian Village comes alive with stories about the influential people - such as Kaiser, Alfred Apaka, and Elvis Presley - who helped make the hotel the destination it is today. How was it created? This new History Wall replaced a smaller-scale version that once stood in the Tapa Tower. The wall was expanded from seven panels to 80 feet of 16 museum-quality acrylic panels. Two years of extensive research went into creating the History Wall which spans Waikiki's history from 1891 to 2015. The wall is a great way for visitors to reminisce about the past and learn about the property's cultural significance in Hawaii's history. The layout and photos are comprehensive, capturing what the area looked like before the 1900s to displaying fun items such as Elvis Presley's song list written on hotel stationery. The timeline at the bottom of the display makes the hotel's history relevant to its global visitors by including [...]

2017-05-30T13:58:44-10:00May 18th, 2017|Categories: Blog|
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