
Francis Haar’s Documentation of a Changing Urban Community

Front cover of the Francis Haar: Disappearing Honolulu exhibit brochure4/30/20: A Preservation Award in Interpretive Media will recognize Francis Haar: Disappearing Honolulu, an exhibit last fall consisting of a film and photographs at the John Young Museum of Art - University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. In the words of exhibit curator Gaye Chan, “Haar’s photographs and film are valuable documents of a not-so-distant past that capture one of Honolulu’s diverse communities in the midst of urban displacement -- a theme that remains relevant today as Honolulu undergoes another period of transformation". In the early 1960s, Hawai‘i had completed urban renewal designation and procedures that would demolish 75 acres encompassing the A‘ala Triangle and areas mauka of North Beretania Street. The redevelopment was named the Kukui District Urban Renewal Project. With demolition scheduled to start in January 1965, a trio rushed to capture on film the community of A‘ala, which until December 1941 had been the center of Honolulu’s Japanese residential community, businesses, and venues for entertainment. The trio was Stephen Bartlett, planner and reporter, Kenneth Bushnell, artist and teacher with a studio on the second floor of the iconic A‘ala Pawn Shop building, and Francis Haar, a photographer and creator of documentaries. They began their filming and documentation in November 1964 and continued through mid-January of the following year. However, due to a shortage of funding, the film was not finished until 1968. As Francis’ son, Tom recounted, “They applied for a grant to then Hawai‘i Governor John Burns who turned them down with a cynical reply as to ‘who would be interested to document this flea-infested section of old Honolulu?’” “It is a fantastic film,” said Chan, “of a style that was [...]

2020-05-21T13:51:03-10:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: Blog, Preservation Awards|

Wailua: Ke Awāwa o Nā Ali‘i – Valley of The Kings

April 24, 2020: This stunning video presents the cultural importance of Wailuanuiaho‘ano, the great sacred Wailua, located on the East side of Kaua‘i, along the Wailua River.  Captured are the abundance of historic sites in this rich cultural landscape and the royal lineage, mo‘olelo and histories of people who lived there. As the seat of power for several generations of ali‘i, Wailua was the political, religious and social center from the mid-13th century through the reign of Kaumuali‘i.  The Wailua Complex of Heiau, a National Historic Landmark, consists of four heiau: Hikinaakalā, Malaeho‘akoa, Holoholokū and Poliahu; Hauola pu‘uhonua (place of refuge); Ho‘ohanau pohaku royal birthing stone; and a bellstone. Kumu hula and residents of Wailua share their personal connection to the area as a spiritual center connected to the greater universe; as a place rich in history and identity; and as a place of inspiration, ingrained with the wisdom of our kūpuna. The video was produced as one of several measures in response to community concern related to transportation facilities proposed in the area that were addressed during Section 106 consultation, of which Historic Hawai‘i Foundation was a consulting party.  It has been selected to receive an Interpretive Media Preservation Award as an exemplary and impactful interpretation of the significance of a historic site. The Preservation Award will recognize Palikū Documentary Films, the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation, Kehau Kekua, Freckles Smith, and Beverly Muraoka.  The fi ‘ lm was directed by Nā‘ālehu Anthony. By Andrea Nandoskar and Beth Iwata, staff of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation.

2020-05-21T13:49:30-10:00April 24th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Preservation Awards|Tags: , , , , , |

Peter T. Young and “The Voyage of the Thaddeus”

Peter T. Young photo: Jennifer Barra 4/23/2020 - Peter T. Young is receiving an Individual Achievement Award for his commitment to preserving Hawai‘i ’s culture and history through both his public and private service. His contributions have included years as a school teacher, as head of a series of State of Hawai‘i government departments, in leadership roles with community organizations, and at present, as a consultant on land use planning and environmental reviews. For the past three years, Peter has served as the president of the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives, which this year celebrates its 200th anniversary. He is overseeing and coordinating the Hawaiian Mission Bicentennial activities across the Islands and in New England. His work as a historian is available for everyone to enjoy and to learn more details of Hawai‘i’s history through his online publication, Ho’okuleana, where you will find links to his additional website, “Images of Old Hawai‘i”, and “The Voyage of the Thaddeus” journal.  The website consists of historic summaries of people, places, and events in Hawai‘i’s past.  Peter continuously adds entries to it as he uncovers new topics. “The Voyage of the Thaddeus” is the result of Peter’s years of studying the journals of the first Christian missionary company that arrived in Hawai‘i in 1820. Peter has been posting daily entries about the voyage beginning in October 22, 2019 and continuing to this day. He focuses on selected quotes written on the same day 200 years ago in the personal journals of missionaries and the captain and crew of the Thaddeus. Starting with the ship’s departure from New England on October 23, 1819, through its six months entirely at sea, to its arrival in Honolulu [...]

2020-05-21T13:48:51-10:00April 23rd, 2020|Categories: Blog, Preservation Awards|Tags: , , |

Maile Melrose and her Passion to Preserve Kona

June 23, 2020: Hawai‘i Public Radio’s Ku‘uwehi Hiraishi interviews Maile Melrose about her family's experience with the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 which took the life of her mother’s brother. Click here to listen. April 23, 2020: Maile Melrose is a woman wedded to place. As a multi-generational kama‘āina of South Kona, Melrose has committed her life to protecting and perpetuating the history, flora and fauna of the Kona District. She is a highly respected historian, researcher, author, speaker and noted living history storyteller with a background in Anthropology and Hawaiian Studies. Maile is the great-granddaughter of Henry Nicholas Greenwell, founder of the H.N. Greenwell Store, the oldest surviving store in Kona. Considered one of Kona’s living treasures, Maile holds deep knowledge of Kona's families, places, businesses and history. With her understanding of intricate relationships between places and people, Maile is able to weave a complex narrative about the people who have shaped this incredible history. Her work highlights the Hawaiian families of the Kona ahupua‘a and their stories and traditions that have persisted through the disruption of Western Contact, the achievements of European adventurers in their curiosity about the Hawaiian Islands through the 1800s, as well as the families who shape Kona's landmark agricultural industries, ranching and coffee. Renowned for her storytelling skills, as a volunteer of the Kona Historical Society and Living History Museum, Maile inspires and educates visitors with place-based lore. Her passion is evident in her performances in the Society’s cemetery tours and historical Jeep Tours.  In the Hanohano ‘o Kona Lecture Series, Maile shares her knowledge of Kona's natural history and unique bird and plant species. She has published stories of Kona in online form for several years via KHS' [...]

12th Annual Frank Haines Award For Lifetime Achievement

Historic Hawaii Foundation Honors Photographer David Franzen © David Franzen 4/15/2020: Photographer David Franzen has been selected as the 2020 Frank Haines Award recipient for his outstanding contributions to historic preservation through documentation of the architecture, interior design, and landscapes of the Hawaiian Islands. His images capture people and places—private residences, museums, schools, hotels, corporate offices, military bases, cultural sites, bridges and parks—and reflect the dramatic development and social change Hawai‘i has experienced since the 1970s. Franzen was born in Boston and raised in New York City, where he began his career as an apprentice of Ezra Stoller, a renowned architectural photographer.  In 1973, he started Franzen Photography and continued to work out of New York.  After completing assignments around the country and establishing his name in travel, architectural and interior photography, David relocated to Hawai‘i in 1978. While the body of his work expanded through editorial, documentary and corporate projects, the foundation of his business has remained architecture and interior design. David’s beautiful images have appeared in countless advertisements, books and magazines around the world.  His published works include the books The Art of Mauna Kea and The View From Diamond Head, calendars for the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and booklets for Historic Hawai‘i Foundation. Most recently, David has announced that he will donate his work to the Hawai‘i State Archives, helping to promote the understanding, appreciation and preservation of Hawai‘i’s history, aesthetics and architecture. The Library of Congress also has on file over 5,000 of his images in its Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic American Landscapes Survey Collection. Q&A with David Franzen Please share how you decided to pursue photography as a profession and how you became [...]

2020-08-03T13:40:32-10:00April 15th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Preservation Awards|Tags: , , |

Lāna‘i City Housing Program Preserves Historic Charm of Era

Preservation Honor Awards Recognizes Lāna‘i City Historic Housing Program for Perpetuating Town Design and Community 4/15/2020: Anyone fortunate enough to be guided through a tour of historic Lāna‘i City knows its charms. The “Pineapple Island” no longer produces pineapple, but the built environment still reflects the design and community memories of the early 20th-century agricultural era. Over the past five years, Pūlama Lāna‘i has engaged in a comprehensive program to preserve, maintain, rehabilitate, reconstruct and replace historic housing within Lāna‘i City. The program includes both treatments for existing buildings and the production of new infill housing. Lāna‘i City was a planned community that followed the urban design principles of the Garden City movement, as adapted and interpreted by the Hawaiian Pineapple Company’s (HAPCo) “Village” planning standards in the early 1920s. The town plan followed the concepts of a central greenspace (Dole Park) with tree-lined streets and avenues, generous yards and setbacks for gardens and vegetation, and designated areas of housing, businesses, civic areas, industry and agriculture. It is considered the first planned community in the Territory of Hawai‘i (1923). Aerial photograph of Lāna‘i City taken on October 23, 1929, looking northwest. Courtesy Lāna‘i Culture & Heritage Center. Designed by engineer David E. Root and substantially completed by 1924, Lāna‘i City is the last intact extant example of “Garden City” and “Village” planning standards remaining in Maui County, and one of only three in the state (the others are the Hickam and Wheeler Historic Districts on military installations on O‘ahu, constructed in the 1930s-1940s). According to the documentation submitted to nominate the Lāna‘i City historic district to the Hawai‘i Register of Historic Places, the town also contains the largest collection of intact plantation period buildings [...]

2020-05-13T14:34:10-10:00April 15th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

Artist Kirk Kurokawa Brushes Strokes of Meaning into Nisei Veterans Memorial Center Mural

4/15/20: Historic Hawai‘i Foundation is honored to present a Programmatic Award to the Mural Wall at the Nisei Veterans Memorial Center located in Kahului on the island of Maui.  Local artist Kirk Kurokawa created this larger-than-life mural on a bare concrete wall using ordinary house paint. The mural is being recognized as an educational resource reminding the public of a significant event in Hawai‘i’s history and how it impacted the Maui community. It is a reminder of what these men stood for and the sacrifices that is a made as a result of war. “The Nisei Memorial is accessible to the general public, both physically and in terms of its presentation and content,” remarked Adriane Truluck, a member of the Selection Committee after visiting the site. “Wordlessly and with striking imagery, it conveys an empathetic portrayal of the Nisei veterans, connecting today’s audience, be it descendants, residents, or visitors, to the veterans and their experience.” In his nomination of the project, Maui architect Jim Niess pointed out that, “Because these images were originally taken prior to (the use of) color photography, the artist reproduced them as the black and white originals which adds a subtle touch to its powerful imagery.”  Applying this approach, the artist was able to give the mural a true sense of integrity and connection to the past. Historic preservation has so many different aspects and the mural illustrates how important it is to recognize and celebrate all forms of interpretation.   “Art is absolutely important because it is universal,” states Kurokawa.  “Art can reach and speak to everyone no matter who they are and where they may come from. Particularly ‘public art’ has great potential to bring a community together and to [...]

Enjoy Hawaii’s Historic Places from Home

  Historic Hawai‘i Foundation wishes you and yours good health, safety and peace at this time of uncertainty. We invite you and your family and friends to visit the Historic Hawai‘i Foundation Heritage Tourism pages to experience virtual tours, maps, photos and histories of storied places in the Islands. Visit today and then check back weekly as we add content because connecting with places that embody our collective identity and memory is more important and meaningful than ever. Happy Travels! Photos above left to right; Honoka‘a People’s Theater, Honoka‘a Town Walking Tour, Hawai‘i Island; Loko ‘Eā Fishpond, Hale‘iwa Special District Story Map, O‘ahu; Pioneer Mill Smokestack & Locomotives (credit: Lahaina Restoration Foundation),  Lahaina Historic Walking Trails, Maui    

2020-07-28T16:18:57-10:00April 7th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |

Nostalgic Music to Soothe Your Spirit – an HPR Collaboration

Historic Hawai‘i Foundation was invited to collaborate with Hawai‘i Public Radio to create our very own playlists that will be shared via HPR’s Generation Listen, a community playlist that seeks to engage new listeners and different community partners each month. As an organization, we created 4 playlists inspired by places we love or people we admire.  We hope you’ll enjoy listening to them as a way to relax and refresh your spirit. They can be heard via Spotify. The 4 playlists touch upon various themes:     Playlist #1 In celebration of Women and the Centennial Commemoration of Women's Suffrage this year, we created a playlist of beautiful songs performed by women.  “Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.” ~Aretha Franklin     Playlist #2 Music to listen to when you are feeling nostalgic; these songs connect to a place or the feeling of home. “And there’s a place that I’ve dreamed of, where I can free my mind. I hear the sounds of the season and lost all sense of time.” ~Hollow Coves   Playlist #3 Is composed of old favorites and classics that are sure to make you feel a bit nostalgic. “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ~Plato     Playlist #4 This list of songs are some island favorites, connecting back to our beautiful Hawai‘i Nei. “Hawai‘i is paradise. It sounds cheesy to say it, but there’s music in the air there.” ~Bruno Mars   Especially [...]

2020-07-28T17:27:39-10:00March 27th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Online Education: Native Hawaiian Organizations & the Section 106 Process

On February 22, 2020 more than 115 people attended the Native Hawaiian Organizations & the Section 106 Process Seminar at the YWCA Oahu. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation joined with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Native Hawaiian Relations to offer a free community seminar on Native Hawaiian Organizations’ involvement in the federal historic preservation consultation to protect historic properties. The seminar received financial support from an Office of Hawaiian Affairs ‘Ahahui Grant. Native Hawaiian Organizations and members of the native Hawaiian community interested in preservation of historic properties, including properties of religious and cultural significance to NHO, gathered to learn how to navigate and participate effectively in the Section 106 process, required for all projects connected to federal undertakings. Also in attendance were members of federal, state and local agencies and individuals and members of community organizations with stewardship responsibilities for historic or cultural properties. The seminar included a presentation introducing Section 106 and its components along with best practices for participation, a panel discussion, and question and answer period. Panelists included Stanton Enomoto, DOI Office of Native Hawaiian Relations, June Noelani Cleghorn, Cultural Resources Manager, Marine Corps Base Hawai‘i; Mahealani Cypher, Ko‘olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club; William Dancing Feather, Office of Native American Affairs, ACHP; Susan Lebo, Archaeology Branch Chief, State Historic Preservation Division, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai‘i; Kai Markell, Pou Kakoʻo of Kiaʻi Kānāwai, Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Click here to download the Presentation and Additional Tools and Resources from the February 22 seminar . The Seminar was also created as a free, online, on-demand course. During this unprecedented crisis, we may find ourselves with more time to participate in [...]

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