Preservation Awards

Nomination Deadline Extended to January 30 for 2017 Preservation Honor Awards

The submission deadline for the 2017 Preservation Honor Award Nominations has been extended to Monday, January 30 at 10:00 a.m. Due to technical difficulties, we've extended the nomination deadline.  If you are submitting a nomination and continue to have difficulty sending the nomination form please call our office at 808-523-2900 or email We want to hear from you. Are you, or is an organization or individual you know, working on a fabulous preservation project?  If so, now is the time to spotlight their (or your) work and share it with the community. There are several categories of awards with past honorees ranging from a historic blog, interpretive signage, preservation plans, brick and mortar preservation of homes, military and commercial buildings to commendations for individuals’ contributions to advocacy and education efforts to save historic places. The Awards, presented annually since 1975, are Hawai‘i’s highest recognition of preservation projects that perpetuate, rehabilitate, restore or interpret the state’s architectural, archaeological and/or cultural heritage recognizing exceptional preservation projects and programs from across the state. Waikani Stream Bridge, Exceptional Open Spandrel Arched Bridge. Part of the Hāna Highway Bridge Preservation Plan, Maui, 2016 Preservation Commendation Award. Photo credit: Fung Associates. Kalawao Choir. Kalaupapa “Pride of a Nation” video, Moloka‘i, 2016 Preservation Award for Achievements in Interpretive Media. Photo credit: Unknown/Courtesy of IDEA Archives Agawa Home Restoration, Maui, 2016 Preservation Award. Photo Credit, Lahaina Restoration Foundation. Honor Awards are given to projects that exhibit excellence in planning, implementation, and follow-through of work that demonstrates historic preservation as a strategy for the protection, understanding, revitalization, use or celebration of Hawai‘i’s historic and cultural sites. Categories include honors presented for specific [...]

2017-04-21T01:00:53-10:00December 20th, 2016|Categories: Preservation Awards|
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2014 Historic Preservation Honor Awards

Historic Hawai‘i Foundation Invites you to a celebration of the 40th Annual Preservation Honor Awards & 40th Anniversary Celebration This special event will include Dinner, the Honor Awards Presentation and a celebration of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s 40th Anniversary. The Preservation Honor Awards have been presented annually since 1975. The Awards are Hawaii’s highest recognition of preservation, rehabilitation, restoration or interpretation of the state’s architectural, archeological and cultural heritage. 2014 HONOREES 6th Annual Frank Haines Award Glenn E. Mason, President, Mason Architects, Inc. Preservation Awards Battleship Missouri Officers’ Staterooms Restoration Bishop Museum Pacific Hall Restoration Chamberlain House Roof and Stairway Restoration Ford Island Center for Excellence Building 76 Rehabilitation Ha‘ena State Park Lo‘i Kalo Restoration Hawai‘i State Art Museum Sculpture Garden Adaptive Reuse Hawaiian Railway Society Locomotive Restoration Hawaiian Railway Society Sheffield Rail Car Restoration IBM Building Rehabilitation Kalaupapa National Historic Site Gravemarker Restoration Kiilae Village & Trail Preservation Kiholo-Puako Trail Preservation Mō‘ili‘ili Japanese Cemetery Preservation Pacific Club Preservation Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Building 155 Rehabilitation Schofield Barracks Stoneman/Gimlet Field Rehabilitation Shangri La Jali Pavilion Restoration Wakamiya Inari Shrine Restoration Preservation Commendation Fort Kamehameha Historic District Plans and Documentation for Cultural Landscape Report, Historic American Landscape Survey & Interpretive Trail Plan Hawai‘i State & County Historic Bridges Inventory & Evaluation Hickam Building 1102 Plans and Documentation for Cultural Landscape Report & Tree Protection Plan Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam Area Development Plan Waikīkī-Kauhale O Ho‘okipa Scenic Byway Preservation Media Daniel K. Inouye Highway Interpretive Signs “Honolulu Town” Book “Images of Old Hawai‘i” Website “Japanese Buddhist Temples In Hawai‘i: An Illustrated Guide” Book “Keep Hawai‘i Hawai‘i” Articles “Kona Royal Footsteps Interpretive Experience” Smartphone App Puna Moku Coastal Trail [...]

2017-04-21T01:01:39-10:00March 31st, 2014|Categories: Preservation Awards|
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