
National Park Service Demolishes Pearl Harbor Historic Building

CPO Bungalow on Ford Island was listed as a “Most Endangered” Historic Site in 2005 In July, the National Park Service (NPS) released its report examining the facts and circumstances surrounding the demolition of a historic bungalow at World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument that was present during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The original intent of the National Park Service was to rehabilitate the aging bungalow and preserve its historic setting. However, the park failed to complete required consultation with proper authorities and the bungalow was leveled to its foundation in late 2015 and replaced with a similar building earlier this year. In 2012, the National Park Service completed an environmental assessment to preserve, rehabilitate and restore the six Chief Petty Officer (CPO) bungalows on Ford Island for use by visitors and park administration. Subsequently, the National Park Service executed a programmatic agreement with the Hawaiʻi State Historic Preservation Division and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding the preservation of the historic CPO Bungalows. The park received funding in 2015 and began work in November 2015 on CPO Bungalow #28. While the intent was to rehabilitate the bungalow and preserve its historic setting, in actuality, the park’s work involved demolishing the historic building and constructing a new building on top of the original foundation. Some of the historic fabric from the original building such as the windows and doors were salvaged, but not reused in the new building. The demolition and construction work has resulted in an adverse effect on CPO Bungalow #28 which was a contributing resource in the United States Naval Base Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark. The report identified a lack of understanding at the [...]

2017-04-21T01:00:55-10:00August 23rd, 2016|Categories: Advocacy|

UPDATE, May 6: Support Historic Resource Study in Transit Station Areas

5/6/16: Honolulu City Council is finalizing the City’s operating budget for the next fiscal year. The current budget bill includes a $500,000 appropriation for surveys to identify historic properties and cultural landmarks to determine their eligibility for a Hawaii or National Registers of Historic Places within the one-half mile radius around each transit station. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation supports the measure and encourages others to submit testimony in support.  Click here for the fact sheet CCH_CB14-2016_CD1_HistoricInventory_UpdatedFactSheet and see the information below with additional background. ACTION NEEDED:  Please consider submitting written testimony in support by Monday, May 9 for the next Budget Committee meeting.  Testimony may be sent via the following link: The following is a sample template/format for submitting testimony: To:       Budget Committee Chair Ann H. Kobayashi & Committee Members Date:   May 10, 2016 Re:       Bill 14, CD1 - $500,000 for surveys to identify historic properties and cultural landmarks within a one-half mile radius around transit stations I support the $500,000 appropriation in Bill 14, CD1 for surveys to identify historic properties and cultural landmarks within a one-half mile radius around transit stations.  (Please state your personal reasons) Thank you for the opportunity to testify in favor of this appropriation in Bill 15, CD1. (Name) (Address [optional]) (Phone number [optional]) MORE INFORMATION: Budget Committee Agenda: Council Bill 14 (2016) Status Sheet: Council Bill 14 (2016): Please contact Councilmember Carol Fukunaga’s Senior Aide Chris Delaunay at 768-5069 or at if you have questions. 4/1/16:  Honolulu City Council is considering a measure to provide funding to identify historic buildings and other historic resources that are located in areas that could be affected by transit-oriented development. Historic [...]

2017-04-21T01:01:02-10:00March 31st, 2016|Categories: Advocacy|

Authorization of the National Historic Preservation Fund Expired; Congress Considers Measures to Restore HPF

12/29/15: The national Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) was created in 1976 to carry out provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act. The Historic Preservation Fund provides support for the nation’s historic preservation programs, including those that have been integral for historic and cultural properties in Hawai‘i. The U.S House of Representatives and U.S Senate failed to reauthorize the Historic Preservation Fund before it expired on September 30. However, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee included the reauthorization in the Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 (S.566) on November 19, 2015. The Senate and House both need to approve the measure in order for it to be sent to the President for signing before becoming law. The expiration of the HPF creates uncertainty for the future of one of our nation’s most important historic preservation programs. Among other programs, the HPF supports the Historic Tax Credits program, which helps to rehabilitate historic districts such as the Kunia Villages workforce housing for agricultural workers on O‘ahu, as well as commercial buildings in Honolulu’s Chinatown and Downtown, and mom-and-pop stores such as the Mā‘alaea General Store on Maui. The historic rehabilitation tax credits help retain places that are touchstones of community identity and pride, while providing job creation, tangible links to the history and culture of the area, and an authentic sense of place for our Islands. The HPF also provides funding for State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices across the country. In FY15 the Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Office received over $574,000 from the HPF to support programs such as the National Register of Historic Places, Certified Local Government grants, and bringing a local voice to federal decision making on matters to could affect our historic places. The [...]

2017-04-21T01:01:10-10:00December 29th, 2015|Categories: Advocacy|

SHPD Proposes Projects That Do Not Affect Historic Properties

State Agency Proposes to Exclude Minor Projects from Review Process In October, the State Historic Preservation Division proposed a list of projects that have no potential to affect historic properties and that would no longer be subject to review and comment by the agency, if and when the exclusion list is finalized. Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS) §6E-42 requires that before any State agency or officer of the State, including its political subdivisions (such as the county governments or the Hawai‘i Community Development Authority), approves any project involving a permit, license, certificate, land use change, subdivision or other entitlement for use “which may affect historic property,” it shall refer the matter to the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) for review and comment on “the effect of the proposed project on historic properties.” The referral applies to any property over 50 years old (§6E-2). SHPD’s review then establishes: Whether the property has historic significance and integrity that would make it eligible for the state register of historic places, and Whether the proposed project has the potential to “affect” the property, and specifically if it would have an adverse effect or inflict harm on the property’s historic integrity or character-defining features. The purpose of the review process is to help ensure the preservation and appropriate use of historic properties, and to provide opportunities for correction should a proposed action be found to inflict irreversible harm. This is consistent with the constitution of the State of Hawai‘i, which recognizes the value of conserving and developing the historic and cultural property within the State for the public good, and the public interest to engage in a comprehensive program of historic preservation at all levels of government to promote the use [...]

2017-04-21T01:01:20-10:00December 19th, 2014|Categories: Advocacy|

NPS Accepts SHPD Final Report on Corrective Action

7/9/14: The National Park Service informed the Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Division that it had received the final report on the Correction Action Plan (2). NPS commended the division for making progress on the identified shortcomings in securing staff and instituting standard operating procedures. However, the division still needs to address several incomplete requirements, including an audit of operations, developing a survey inventory database, and completing a strategic plan. Until the final items are complete, the division remains a “high-risk grantee.” Download Letter (PDF)  

2017-04-21T01:01:35-10:00July 9th, 2014|Categories: Advocacy|

City & County of Honolulu Department of Planning & Permitting Working Group Develops Recommendations for Preservation Reviews

12/15/13: The City & County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) convened a working group from August to October 2013 to review and recommend improvements to the historic preservation review process. Hawai‘i State Law (HRS §6E-2, §6E-10 and §6E-42) requires that prior to issuing any permit or land use approval for any project that affects a historic property, state and local jurisdictions shall refer the matter to the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) for review and comment.  The referral applies to any property over 50 years old; SHPD’s review then establishes whether the property has historic significance and integrity that would make it eligible for the state register of historic places. DPP established the task force to review the current practices and recommend ways in which they could be improved. The task force included subcommittees on both architectural and archaeological resources. Members included SHPD, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, Land Use Research Foundation, Building Industry Association, American Institute of Architects Honolulu, American Planning Association Hawai‘i, O‘ahu Island Burial Council, Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, and preservation architecture firms. The committee recommended improvements to the interface between the State and County systems and also substantive improvements for both response to individual cases and affirmative steps to address preservation issues more holistically. DPP Director George Atta said that the recommendations still need to be compiled and vetted by the City staff, and then used as the basis of an agreement with SHPD. He anticipates taking additional steps to conclude the process in early 2014. Key recommendations formed by the committee included: Track all permits by site identification (such as Tax May Key Number) and not just permit type. Once SHPD has determined whether or not a particular [...]

2017-04-21T01:03:35-10:00January 24th, 2014|Categories: Advocacy|

Historic News Building Threatened by Developer

HCDA Approves Development Permit; Clears Way for Demolition 12/5/13: The Hawai‘i Community Development Authority Board voted on December 4 to approve the development permit application for 801 South Street Phase 2, thus clearing the way for demolition of a portion of the historic Honolulu Advertiser Building. The HCDA board voted 6-0 (with one abstention, one absence and one vacancy) to approve the application—including numerous waivers of the standards and exemptions from the rules—with a few conditions.  The preservation conditions included separating the “red roof” portion of the building from the flat-roof portion and recording it as a separate parcel; conducting architectural recordation; instituting a protection plan for the retained portion of the building during demolition; disclosing the historic significance and “importance of retaining an architect familiar with the rehabilitation and preservation of historic buildings” to any buyer of the retained portion; assessing if any materials can by salvaged for reuse; and sealing off the severed ends of the buildings to provide weatherproofing. As we provided in both written and verbal testimony to HCDA and comments to the State Historic Preservation Division, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation believes these measures to be woefully inadequate in the face of the significant adverse effect that the project will inflict on the historic property. HHF is deeply disappointed in HCDA’s failure to embrace preservation of this important building and site as a cornerstone of the neighborhood and tangible connection to its history. However, we are grateful for the friendships and collaboration that came from joint efforts regarding this issue.  It was heartening to see the level of civic engagement and community-building that demonstrates that residents care deeply for the future of the city, and that we share a belief that the [...]

2017-04-21T01:03:42-10:00December 9th, 2013|Categories: Advocacy|

DLNR Announces New Administrator for State Historic Preservation Division

HONOLULU – 11/4/13: The Hawai‘i State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Chairperson William J. Aila, Jr. today announced the appointment of Alan S. Downer as administrator of the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD). “I am pleased to announce the appointment of Alan Downer to the post of SHPD administrator,” Aila said, “With extensive experience as director for one of the nation’s largest historic preservation agencies, Downer brings tremendous experience in leadership to the Hawaii State Historic Preservation Division. I also believe his qualifications will provide SHPD with much needed direction on working with the National Park Service to meet requirements under its Corrective Action Plan.” Downer served 27 years as director of the Navajo Nations Historic Preservation Department (NNHPD) in Window Rock, Ariz. Downer was hired in 1986 to establish the first tribal historic preservation agency in the United States. The Navajo Nation Historic Preservation Department remains one of the largest public historic preservation agencies in the United States. “Mr. Downer has the right experience to lead the Hawaii’s State Historic Preservation Division,” Gov. Abercrombie said. “The division plays a vital role in protecting and preserving Hawaii’s historic and cultural sites, while balancing complex issues that affect the state’s economy.” “I’m thrilled to hear that Alan Downer has been selected for the position. His experience working with the Navajo Nation and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation gives him the sensitivity to indigenous issues and expertise in federal and state laws that will be needed to rebuild and revitalize our Historic Preservation Division, making it not only a well-functioning but socially responsible agency for future generations,” said Ty P. Kawika Tengan, screening committee member and associate professor at UH Manoa Department of Ethnic [...]

2017-04-21T01:03:45-10:00November 4th, 2013|Categories: Advocacy|

State Preservation Department Submits Interim Report on Corrective Action Progress

10/22/13: In late September, the Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Division submitted its interim progress report on steps to take remedial action under the federally-mandated Corrective Action Plan 2.  The submittal was in response to the National Park Service finding in May that the State has not adequately met the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The State’s submittal included work plans for the Archaeology, Architecture and Information Technology sections;  survey plans for archaeology and architecture; a draft strategic plan for the cultural resources GIS; and a fiscal update. The National Park Service replied to the submittal acknowledging the progress, especially in the areas of GIS and archaeology. NPS expressed concern about lack of required information in the plans for information technology and architecture, and also noted that the submittal lacked addition required information.  NPS also noted that additional items are due in May 2014 that should be in progress at this time. The Corrective Action Plan and federal review of the state’s program has been underway since March 2010. Additional Resources

2017-04-21T01:03:45-10:00October 22nd, 2013|Categories: Advocacy|

Ask Our Senators to Support Historic Tax Credits

Last month, leaders of the Senate Finance Committee asked all Senators to identify, by July 26, which tax breaks, deductions and credits should be included in a comprehensive tax reform proposal. The letter advocates a "blank slate" approach to tax reform -- starting from scratch and only adopting proposed tax credits, deductions or other provisions if there is special justification. This means that the historic tax credit could be eliminated from the tax code if Senators do not note their support for the program.  The letter suggests deductions will be included only if they help grow the economy, make the tax code fairer or effectively promote other important policy objectives. The Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit meets these tests, and has proven to be an effective means to create jobs, stimulate the economy, and support local businesses, as well as the primary public policy objective of preserving historic buildings and structures that give a sense of place, meaning and identity to our communities. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation has joined our preservation partners in reaching out to Senate offices asking them to include the federal Historic Tax Credit among the priorities they list for the Finance Committee.  Please join us in this important effort and reach out to Senators Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono on behalf of the historic tax credit. A sample email message is available for download to the right that can be customized with your own comments. Senator Mazie Hirono 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 3-106 Honolulu, HI 96850 Phone: (808) 522-8970 Fax: (808) 545-4683 Online form: Senator Brian Schatz 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 7-212 Honolulu, HI 96850 Phone: (808) 523-2061 Fax: (808) 523-2065 Online form: Available for download is a summary [...]

2017-04-21T01:03:45-10:00July 22nd, 2013|Categories: Advocacy|
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