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May is National Historic Preservation Month!

  National Historic Preservation month is a celebration of our nation's heritage through historic places with organizations across the country promoting a variety of activities on the local, state and national levels. PRESERVATION MONTH IN HAWAI‘I   In recognition of National Historic Preservation Month, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation will highlight special historic [...]

April 27th, 2023|Comments Off on May is National Historic Preservation Month!

Growing the Hilo Grant Program with Community Input

THE HILO PRESERVATION & BEAUTIFICATION STAKEHOLDERS MEETING On March 30, 2023 more than 30 members of the Hilo community gathered at the Mokupāpapa Discovery Center on Kamehameha Avenue in Hilo's downtown core. The main objective was to receive community input on ways the program can be beneficial [...]

April 12th, 2023|Comments Off on Growing the Hilo Grant Program with Community Input

Legacy of Volunteerism continues at Kaumakani West Kaua‘i United Methodist Church

The Story of “The Little Church in The Cane Field”  This history unfolds in Kaumakani on the southwest side of Kaua‘i Island between Waimea and Hanapēpē. The Church will celebrate its 110th anniversary in June 2023. By guest contributor, Timothy Tovar DeLaVega With Filipino immigrants arriving on Kauaʻi sugar plantation’s [...]

March 27th, 2023|Comments Off on Legacy of Volunteerism continues at Kaumakani West Kaua‘i United Methodist Church

Waimea Valley Introduces New Cultural Learning Program for Visitors

Kaʻapuni o Waimea: An Enhanced Experience through Waimea Valley By guest contributor Waimea Valley staff Photos courtesy Waimea Valley  Waimea Valley is recognized as a place of awe, a place of profound natural beauty and splendor; wahi pana or a special, legendary place.  In February 2023, Waimea opened a new [...]

March 27th, 2023|Comments Off on Waimea Valley Introduces New Cultural Learning Program for Visitors

A Natural Disaster Toolkit for Historic Property Owners

NATURAL DISASTERS AND HISTORIC PROPERTIES By Julia Rochhi, National Trust for Historic Preservation Homeowners face some of the most cutting impacts of natural disaster: physical displacement, loss of property, financial uncertainty, and stress. And as recent events have proved, you can never take too many precautions ahead of a natural [...]

March 16th, 2023|Comments Off on A Natural Disaster Toolkit for Historic Property Owners

Anthony D. Allen: From Schenectady, New York to Hawai‘i

Black History in 19th Century Hawaiʻi By guest contributor Deloris Guttman, founder and curator of the Obama Hawaiian Africana Museum (formerly known as the African American Diversity Cultural Center Hawaii). The history of the Black presence in Hawaiʻi goes back to the early sailors. Blacks were crewmembers of James Cook’s second [...]

February 17th, 2023|Comments Off on Anthony D. Allen: From Schenectady, New York to Hawai‘i
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