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‘Ohanalei Gallery + Store Launches a T-Shirt in Honor of Route 560: Proceeds to Support HHF

Located in Hanalei, Kaua‘i, ‘Ohanalei is a unique art gallery and retail space created by co-owners Ryan Hakman and Ke‘ale Chang who share a common ethos in highlighting the history and stories that make Kaua‘i a special place. They deftly translate their appreciation of Hanalei's past through storytelling and art, making the past relevant in a tangible and engaging way. At first glance, the gallery’s logo—a cast iron wok draped with a tī leaf lei—may seem a bit mysterious to those unfamiliar with local lore. A video created by Ryan and Kea‘le, ‘Ohanalei Stories – Black Pot, shares the beautiful story behind its symbolism. The video features Bobo Hamyoung and his cousin, Wendell Goo, talking story about huki-ing – friends and family gathering at Hanalei Pier to help cast fishing nets and haul in the catch. The hard work was easier with many hands. Most of the catch would be taken to a grocery store and traded for food and drink. The rest would be shared with everyone who had helped fish and all were welcome to enjoy the meals that followed. Local-style dishes were cooked on open fire in a wok, a “black pot,” on the beach. Bobo’s grandfather, Henry Tai Hook, was the original leader of the hukilaus; both men were beloved for their generous spirit and larger than life personality that brought people together. The name Black Pot Beach pays homage to Tai Hook’s legacy. “Nobody had money. And money wasn’t the purpose…It was like a gathering place. Even though not fishing, no anything, people used to go down there together…We cook anything we want…and I still have that wok.” - Bobo Hamyoung, ‘Ohanalei Stories – Black Pot This is [...]

2022-11-18T09:29:23-10:00September 2nd, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Dillingham Ranch Celebrates 125 Years

Branches over the lane. Photo Courtesy: Dillingham Ranch. Dillingham Ranch is located on the beautiful North Shore of O‘ahu. It holds a deep and captivating history; let us take a look back in celebration of its 125th Anniversary! Hawai‘i Life’s Director of Conservation and Legacy Lands, Beth Thoma Robinson writes, "The traditional name for this ‘āina is Mokulē‘ia – which means ‘district of abundance.’ The North Shore is still referred to as The Country by O‘ahu residents who intend to keep it that way. This property (Dillingham Ranch) is embedded in a community with a strong sense of place.”1  Dillingham Ranch was established in 1897 by Benjamin Franklin Dillingham, who became Hawai‘i’s first railroad tycoon. In 1917, Dillingham’s son, Walter Dillingham, built Dillingham Lodge with the help of his siblings, Harold and Marion. Known as “Hawai‘i’s greatest builder,” Walter Dillingham is credited with shaping Dillingham Ranch into what it is today as well as changing the entire O‘ahu landscape.2 “From my father, I inherited the moving vision that saw these islands prosperous.” Walter Dillingham Dillingham Ranch is a rare property, offering all of the charms and essence of Hawai‘i, from white sandy beaches to mountain terrain and acres of open green space scattered with coconut trees, monkey pods and rare plant species indigenous to Hawai‘i. Peacocks and ducks flutter around the grounds while horses and cows graze in the fields. Visitors can enjoy horseback riding, surfing, hiking and parasailing while experiencing local culture and history, all in one truly special place.3 Dillingham Lodge of the "Big House." Photo Courtesy: Dillingham Ranch. Through the generations, Dillingham Ranch has welcomed notable guests and sportsmen and has been home to many cattlemen and ranchers. [...]

2022-09-19T11:04:07-10:00September 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Nu‘uanu Pali Road – 1897: Crossing the Ko‘olau Range

Footpath to First Road before the 20th Century by Ann Yoklavich From at least as far back as the late 1700s, in some of the first written histories in Hawai‘i there have been accounts of the footpath that traversed the precipice of the windward side’s Pali up to the narrow pass at the eastern end of Nu‘uanu Valley. There is no known date of the first trail building here, but it pre-dated western contact, since this vicinity for the cross-Ko‘olau trail provided “the most direct route between Windward Oahu and Honolulu.”[1]  Foot traffic increased between the windward and leeward sides of this range, as the needs to communicate and trade grew after Western contact, since most foreign trading ships gathered in Honolulu Harbor. The Pali trail, date unknown. Source: Hawai‘i State Archives: PP-60-2-29. Foreigners found the trail fearfully steep at the top of the windward side, with a sheer drop of several hundred feet. Many first-time visitors to the Pali view point, at the top of the trail, noted that Hawaiians negotiated the path with assurance and ease. The Pali horse trail, date unknown. Source: Hawai‘i State Archives: PP-60-2-19. Demands for improvements to the footpath “began by the 1830s and were primarily driven by foreigners.”[2] Many wanted to plant on the fertile and well-watered windward lands, but needed better access across the Ko‘olau range for exporting, or for selling in Honolulu’s larger market, their agricultural products, including sugarcane. In 1845, during the reign of King Kamehameha III, improvements to the footpath transformed it into a horse trail. The king and his minister of the Interior, Gerrit Judd, were the first to ride the trail on horseback.[3] A rainstorm in 1848 washed [...]

2022-11-18T09:27:49-10:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

The First Printing: A Written Hawaiian Language

This article, researched and written by Hawaiian Mission Houses, commemorates the Bicentennial Anniversary of Hawai‘i's first printing press and the development of a written Hawaiian language. ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i For centuries, the Hawaiian language thrived in a strong oral tradition, using chant and song to record history and genealogies and share stories over generations. Recording the language in written symbols was an unfamiliar concept. ‘Ōpūkahai‘a, a native Hawaiian man who made his way to Connecticut and converted to Christianity there, began developing a system of writing the Hawaiian language that incorporated both number and letters. He died in 1818 before returning to Hawai‘i, and his system was unused. The Pioneer company brought the original Ramage printing press to Hawaiʻi in 1820. It was used to print the first written Hawaiian language documents. A replica today is in the Hawaiian Mission Houses Hale Paʻi. Image courtesy Hawaiian Mission Houses. The missionaries of the Pioneer Company, who were inspired by ‘Ōpūkahai‘a’s life story, believed that the Bible and the ability to read it was fundamental to becoming a Christian. They were committed that the Bible be in the Hawaiian language, which meant developing the written word. The ali‘i drove this effort, with King Kamehameha II asking the missionaries to teach his people to read and write in ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i, and Queen Ka‘ahumanu later stating, “When schools are established, all the people shall learn the palapala (writing).”[1] Work done from 1820-22 to establish a Hawaiian alphabet is not well documented, but the first printing revealed an alphabet of five vowels and twelve consonants.  The codification and standardization of the written Hawaiian language took shape between 1822-26, and was a collaborative effort involving Hawaiian scholars, Tahitian missionaries, ABCFM [...]

2022-09-19T09:24:38-10:00August 25th, 2022|Categories: Blog|

Washington Place Celebrates 175 Years

Washington Place. Photo Courtesy of Washington Place Foundation. Washington Place is one of O‘ahu's most treasured landmarks as the home of Hawai‘i’s last ruling monarch and subsequent state governors and their families. The treasured stories of this place are never to be forgotten. This year, Washington Place turns 175 years! Let us take a look back at its history. The construction of Washington Place began in 1842 as the residence of Captain John Dominis, an American ship captain and merchant, and his wife Mary and their son John Owen. Unfortunately, the captain was lost at sea and was never able to live in the house upon its completion in 1847. In order to retain ownership of the home, his wife, Mary Dominis, chose to take in boarders, including Anthony Ten Eyck, the United States Commissioner, who suggested to Mrs. Dominis in 1848 that she name the house after America’s first president, George Washington. Permission was granted by King Kamehameha lll with the provision that the house keep the name "in all time coming.”1 The architecture of Washington Place is a distinctive combination of Greek revival elements and indigenous materials, including coral and rare woods. According to "175 Years at Washington Place,"2 a booklet researched and written by architect Katie Stephens and historian Don J. Hibbard for the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, Captain Dominis wrote to friends in Boston asking for their help with procuring items, such as door and window sashes, blinds, locks, glass and lumber, for the new house. When ordering the items, Dominis seems to have "specified the materials according to his own ideas for the building," in some cases adding his own drawings to illustrate them. [...]

2022-09-19T09:24:28-10:00August 24th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

NEW DATE ANNOUNCED: O‘ahu Tax Advisory Commission Recommends Massive Property Tax Increase on Historic Properties

Council Information Briefing Scheduled Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. In person and via livestream and television 8/20/22:  Annual property taxes on both historic homes and historic commercial properties on the island of O‘ahu would face substantial increases if Honolulu City Council follows the recommendation of the O‘ahu Real Property Tax Advisory Commission. The recommendations of the Commission will be reviewed by City Council’s Committee on Budget on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chamber. The meeting will also be livestreamed and televised. The Informational Briefing (Agenda Item 17) provides the Commission’s 2021-2022 final report and recommendations on credits and exemptions currently provided by the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu. The Commission’s Report states: Historic Properties Exemptions under ROH Sections 8-10.22 and 8-10.30 The Commission recognizes that there have been significant improvements in the administration of the historical properties program as specifically addressed in the City Auditor's Report Nos. 13-023 and 19-074 . The Commission reiterates the recommendation made by the 2019 Commission that the exemptions provided to historic residential and commercial real properties be amended to increase the minimum real property tax from $300 to $1,000. Should the City Council concur with the recommendation to revise and increase the minimum RPT imposed on these properties, this Commission also suggests the City Council consider a means-based qualification, as well as whether the historical properties program itself continues to serve a necessary and beneficial purpose to the City and its taxpayers, i.e. repeal. The City & County of Honolulu uses exemptions and reductions of property taxes as means to support and promote public benefits. The Revised Ordinances of Honolulu identifies 27 categories of exemption, affecting 156,588 parcels and representing a total exempted valuation [...]

2022-11-18T09:28:57-10:00August 21st, 2022|Categories: Advocacy, Advocacy - Get Involved|

HHF Members attended digital meeting for annual reports and elections

The 48th Annual Meeting of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation was held as a virtual gathering on Wednesday, August 31 at 4:30 p.m. via Zoom. HHF members joined HHF staff and Trustees to hear about the activities, partnerships and outcomes of 2021 that you made possible. In addition to the report on the organization’s activities, a financial summary of the prior year was presented, followed by the election of members of the board of trustees and president. The slate of candidates were approved and are available to view at this link.  

2022-09-19T09:23:32-10:00August 12th, 2022|Categories: Events - Past|

Kohala Koboji Mission Revitalized With Preservation Grant

As the Kohala Koboji Shingon Mission closes in on its centennial anniversary, the Kapa‘au congregation has taken steps to repair and preserve the historic campus. The building complex—including the temple, community hall, priest’s cottage and community kitchen—dates to 1924. The historic temple on Hawai‘i Island has served the Kohala community with both church services and community events, including hosting the Aikido Dojo Club since 1995 and continuing traditional ceremonial events such as O-Bon and mochi making. However, the ravages of termites and weather caused leaks and damage to roofs, walls and flooring for all of the buildings. Coupled with the inability to gather during the Covid-19 pandemic, the congregation was concerned with the ability to use the property for future generations. The mission feared that without significant funding and immediate aid, the buildings would be lost. A historic preservation grant from the Freeman Foundation in cooperation with Historic Hawai‘i Foundation has helped to stabilize and repair the temple, making it usable and safe for continuing church services, community gathering and educational events. “The impact on the community is positively stimulating and greatly appreciated. To everyone’s relief, church members have not had to come regularly to the temple and empty buckets of rainwater due to the excessive roof and wall leaks, as well as having to navigate around the rotted deteriorated open flooring.” - Eugene Amar, Jr., Director of the Board, Kohala Koboji Shingon Mission The weathered Shingon symbols (mon) on the front façade of the Kohala Koboji Mission were replaced, matching the original design. All photos courtesy Kohala Koboji Mission. The project included termite tenting for all four buildings and repairs to the temple. The temple received a new roof, partials walls and floors, [...]

2022-09-19T09:23:40-10:00August 12th, 2022|Categories: Blog|

First Cohort Selected For Native Hawaiian Organizations Stewardship Training

Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s new initiative to partner with Native Hawaiian Organizations  (NHO) on hands-on stewardship training for historic and cultural properties has reached a significant milestone with selection of the first cohort of partners. HHF established the stewardship training program in 2021 through a partnership with the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service and Office of Native Hawaiian Relations, with funding through the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Additional funding is provided by the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority through a Kūkulu Ola grant for Native Hawaiian culture. The program objectives are to build capacity of NHOs towards historic preservation and stewardship with the goal of ensuring that their traditional cultural stories and places are being documented, preserved and shared in an appropriate manner with visitors and residents alike. “Starting up a new program, especially with federal funds and partners, has to be done systematically and deliberately,” said Kiersten Faulkner, executive director of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation. “We started with listening sessions to get a sense of the sites, the preservation needs and the landscape of NHOs working in cultural stewardship. That informed our decision to have a two-step selection process, first with an open Request for Expressions of Interest, followed by an invitation-only Request for Proposal.” Both the Expressions of Interest and the Proposals were evaluated and ranked by a program committee of HHF Trustees. Committee members include Maenette Ah Nee Benham, Allen Hoe, Donne Dawson, Lehua Kauhane and Kawika McKeague as well as ONHR staff members Stanton Enomoto and Lisa Oshiro Suganuma and NPS director of preservation partnerships Elaine Jackson-Retondo. “We had submittals from every island and for all types of historic and cultural properties, including sacred sites like heiau, places associated with food-ways like [...]

2022-09-19T09:23:49-10:00August 11th, 2022|Categories: Blog|

Spotlight on a Grantee: Kahu Rennie Mau of ‘Ewa Community Church

Kahu Rennie Mau in front of the Parish Hall at ‘Ewa Community Church ‘Ewa Community Church is located on Renton Road within the ‘Ewa Sugar Plantation Villages, a district listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Villages is significant for its association with ‘Ewa Sugar Plantation, which played an influential role in Hawai‘i’s economy, culture, and politics throughout most of the twentieth century. It is also significant as an historic district for its vernacular architecture. The district includes the Verona, Tenney, and Renton Villages, which formerly provided worker housing for the ‘Ewa Sugar Plantation. Each of the distinct villages (eight total) was expressive of different cultures and ethnic groups, and had its own architectural and landscaping. ‘Ewa Community Church was built in 1937. A Parish Hall was added in 1951 and the church was expanded in 1956 in response to a growing post-war congregation. The Reverend Paul S. Osumi, remembered for “Today’s Thought,” a daily column in The Honolulu Advertiser, led the congregation at that time. Today the church remains a vital part of the surrounding community and is currently home to the United Church of Christ congregation. HHF has had a number of opportunities to assist in preserving the property. The Foundation staff recently interviewed the current minister, Kahu Rennie Mau, to learn more about him and the present role of the church in the community. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation: Tell us a little about yourself—where are you from, what are your interests and hobbies? Kahu Rennie Mau: I grew up in Hawai‘i on the island of O‘ahu living on the Windward side in Kailua at Coconut Grove and then later in Maunawili Valley. I went to St. Louis High [...]

2022-08-26T10:28:28-10:00August 4th, 2022|Categories: Blog|
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