Historic Hawai‘i Foundation 2025 Mid-Session Legislative Update
3/11/25: As the Hawai‘i State Legislature reached the half-way point of the session, bills that were approved in their assigned committees and three votes by in their full chamber of origin “passed over” to the other chamber. Bills that met the mandatory deadlines are moving [...]
Lahaina Historic District Fire Recovery Includes Stabilization, Debris Removal Efforts
Baldwin Home, June 2024 10/24/2024: After the devastating fires on Maui last year, the impacts to historic buildings and sites are still being evaluated, with intentions to stabilize and restore as many as possible. Of the ten historic structures listed as contributing to the Lahaina National Historic Landmark [...]
Despite Catastrophic Destruction, Hope for Many Historic Lāhainā Structures
NEWS RELEASE, DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES 9/29/23 (LĀHAINĀ, MAUI) – A team from the DLNR State Historic Preservation Division [...]
Governor’s Emergency Proclamation on Housing Revised After Community Outcry
Updated 10/3/2023 Governor Josh Green amended his order suspending historic preservation laws under an emergency proclamation (EP) after community outcry and concerns about the loss of protection for cultural and historic resources. The change came with the second proclamation relating to housing, issued September 15, which revised the first [...]
Oahu Historic Preservation Commission members appointed
By Ian Bauer, Honolulu Star Advertiser, May 19, 2023 (Reprinted with permission.) The Honolulu City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to confirm nine appointees to serve on the Oahu Historic Preservation Commission. The Council’s vote establishes the city’s newest commission, which will advise and assist in carrying out historic preservation and [...]
NPS Seeking Input on Traditional Cultural Properties Guidelines
National Register of Historic Places Guidance on TCPs to be updated after 30 years; Comments due April 30 2/9/2023: The National Register of Historic Places is seeking comments on its revised “National Register Bulletin 38: Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Traditional Cultural Properties” (TCP Bulletin). This publication provides [...]