‘I‘ini Kahakalau is Hiapo (Senior Director) for Kū-A-Kānaka, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the revitalization of Hawaiian language, culture and traditions. Fluent in ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i (Hawaiian language), Ms. Kahakalau is a lifelong practitioner of Hawaiian cultural practices, including protocol and ceremonies, food preparation and knowledge of Hawaiian stories, chants, songs, plants and native science. She is a graduate of the University of Hawai‘i – Hilo as a Liberal Studies major integrating Computer Science, Business e-commerce, and Hawaiian language and culture. ‘I‘ini develops culturally-grounded websites for businesses, nonprofits and education enterprises, develops social media and public relations campaigns, and leads cultural education field schools and camps. A resident of Waipi‘o Valley, she is a graduate of the Kanu o Ka ‘Āina New Century Public Charter School and served on the school’s Hawaiian language curriculum committee, assisting with K-12 Hawaiian language curriculum mapping. Her other community service includes being the Hāmākua representative to the Hawai‘i Island Burial Council, Treasurer for the Waipi‘o Taro Farmers Association, and member of the Kōmike Ho‘okele (leadership committee) for Kanaeokana.