Explore the history of Chinatowns in the United States through a new storytelling collection and learn how they foster belonging and connections today.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation has partnered with Google Arts & Culture and collaborated with over 14 organizations and eight individual artists and creators to create a unique collection of stories about Chinatowns across the United States. The partnership builds on the National Trust’s 2022 America’s Chinatowns Initiative*, created to address a growing need to support historic Chinatowns in the United States through researching and building coalitions for that purpose.

“It is long past due to ask what more the national preservation community can do to amplify existing grassroots action to support Chinatowns now and in the future.”
~Di Gao, senior director of research and development at the National Trust and leader of the America’s Chinatown initiative.

The vibrant online storytelling hub, Welcome to America’s Chinatowns, launched May 9, 2024, chronicles the histories and threats facing Chinatowns nationwide. View the hub HERE. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation is honored to be a participating organization, sharing a glimpse of Honolulu’s Chinatown. View HHF’s page which includes photography by Cliff Kimura, historical interpretation by local historian Gary Coover and documentary shorts by filmmakers Kimberlee Bassford and Robin Lung as part of the collection.

Often the gateways for new immigrants, Chinatown’s across the United States are an integral part of our shared history and yet are increasingly threatened by economic challenges, gentrification and development. To draw attention to their history and challenges, the Welcome to America’s Chinatowns collection sheds light on what makes each a unique cultural repository by sharing stories about the businesses, individuals and organizations that live, work and play in our Chinatowns. Themes include advocacy and place keeping; tangible cultural heritage (legacy businesses, parks, street vendors); artist perspectives on the importance of Chinatowns; intangible heritage (festivals, parades, food); and people and community-based organizations that work within and for historic Chinatowns. Welcome to America’s Chinatowns celebrates the diversity of voices (advocate, artist, business person, community member) and perspectives, weaving a tapestry of history, heritage, innovation and resilience.


* In 2022, the National Trust for Historic Preservation launched the America’s Chinatowns initiative to address this need by researching and building coalitions that could sustain and support historic Chinatowns in the United States. Learn more HERE.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately funded nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic places. SavingPlaces.org. In 2022, the National Trust launched the America’s Chinatowns initiative where NTHP—together with partners and communities—are researching, elevating, and building coalitions that sustain and support historic Chinatowns across the United States.

Google Arts & Culture puts the treasures, stories and knowledge of over 3,000 cultural institutions from 85 countries at your fingertips. If Google’s mission is to make the world’s information more accessible, then Arts & Culture’s mission is to make the world’s culture accessible to anyone, anywhere. It’s your doorway to explore art, history, and wonders of the world. Discover stories about cultural heritage ranging from Van Gogh’s bedroom paintings, Puerto Rico’s heritage, Sports in Australia or the women’s rights movement to ancient Maya temples, Japanese Food and Indian Railways

Learn More and Take Action 

READ the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s press release about the Welcome to America’s Chinatowns hub.

SUBMIT original photography or art. Calling Hawai‘i’s photographers and artists with unique perspectives on Honolulu’s Chinatown. Please email member@historichawaii.org if you are interested to submit work for consideration to be included in the Historic Hawai‘i Foundation Welcome to America’s Chinatown collection.

SIGN the pet.ition: The National Trust for Historic Preservation is working to support the preservation of America’s Chinatowns. Sign the petition to commit to the cultural preservation of America’s Chinatowns for future generations.

Vendor courtyard between Hotel and King Streets, Honolulu's Chinatown. Photo credit Cliff Kimura.