2621 Anuenue Street, Honolulu, HI 96822

(1) 2-9-014:070

SHPD Historic Site Number

Historic Designations:

Hawai‘i Register of Historic Places

The Mrs. Helen Bruns Residence is significant on the local level under criterion C, as a good example of a colonial revival style house built in Honolulu during the 1920s.  It is also significant at the local level under criterion B for its associations with Mrs. Bruns, who was a public school teacher in Honolulu for forty two years.  The colonial revival style was a popular domestic architectural form in Hawaii from the late 1890s through the 1930s.    The Mrs. Bruns residence well reflects an Island adaptation of the style to a single story residence.  Its Doric columns, porte cochere, and 9 x 1 double hung windows typify the style, and its hip roof is a common feature of the style when applied to a cottage.  The asymmetric façade with its wrap-around porch and advancing box bay also reflect the informality of the style in Hawaii.  The residence was constructed in 1922.


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This list of Hawaii’s historic properties is provided as a public service by Historic Hawaii Foundation. It is not the official list of properties designated on the Hawaii State Register of Historic Places. For official designations and determinations of eligibility, contact the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii at 808-692-8015.