Provided through a partnership between Historic Hawai‘i Foundation and Preservation Funders.

PURPOSE: The preservation grants support historic preservation as a mechanism for building community, enhancing Hawaii’s sense of place, and support for improved societal relationships.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Public agencies, 501(c) (3), and other nonprofit organizations are eligible.  Applicants that have received previous HHF preservation grants are not eligible for additional funds. Applicants are encouraged to be current members of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation. There are typically 2-3 grant cycles per year. 

Upcoming grant application deadlines in 2025: March 14, June 13, and September 19.

ELIGIBLE PROJECTS: Rehabilitation or restoration construction projects that preserve the character-defining features of a historic building or site are eligible. Projects should demonstrate that local support and investment is in place prior to applying for the preservation grant, and the HHF preservation grant is not the sole source of funds. Following completion of the preservation project, the site or building should be used for a public or community purpose. All projects are required to follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and to commit to preserving the historic property for at least 10 years after receiving the funds. Grants range from $10,000 to $100,000.


  1. Applicant is a community-based and locally-supported non-profit organization that provides services that fill a community need. Projects on a neighbor island or in a rural community are strongly encouraged;
  2. The project preserves and rehabilitates a significant historic property following appropriate preservation standards, and adequate long-term preservation commitments are in place;
  3. Recipient receives significant additional financial and/or in-kind support from individuals, community members and other funders, with the grant funding request being part of an overall financial plan that is thorough and reasonable.