3138 Noela Drive, Honolulu, HI 96815

(1) 3-1-027:012

SHPD Historic Site Number


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The Edwards residence is significant on the local level under Criterion C, as a good example of a house built in Honolulu during the 1960s in a modern style.  During the 1950s and 1960s a number of architect designed houses well exhibited a high sensitivity to the island environment as well as the precepts of the modern movement, with their clean lines, emphasis on indoor-outdoor relationships, and attention to detail.  The Edwards residence is such a house, with its low profile, unadorned, clean horizontal lines, and open, flowing floor plan.  The house is also noteworthy as an example of Honolulu architect Herbert Beyer’s residential work.

This list of Hawaii’s historic properties is provided as a public service by Historic Hawaii Foundation. It is not the official list of properties designated on the Hawaii State Register of Historic Places. For official designations and determinations of eligibility, contact the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii at 808-692-8015.