The submission deadline for the 2017 Preservation Honor Award Nominations has been extended to Monday, January 30 at 10:00 a.m.
Due to technical difficulties, we’ve extended the nomination deadline. If you are submitting a nomination and continue to have difficulty sending the nomination form please call our office at 808-523-2900 or email
We want to hear from you. Are you, or is an organization or individual you know, working on a fabulous preservation project? If so, now is the time to spotlight their (or your) work and share it with the community.
There are several categories of awards with past honorees ranging from a historic blog, interpretive signage, preservation plans, brick and mortar preservation of homes, military and commercial buildings to commendations for individuals’ contributions to advocacy and education efforts to save historic places.
The Awards, presented annually since 1975, are Hawai‘i’s highest recognition of preservation projects that perpetuate, rehabilitate, restore or interpret the state’s architectural, archaeological and/or cultural heritage recognizing exceptional preservation projects and programs from across the state.

Waikani Stream Bridge, Exceptional Open Spandrel Arched Bridge. Part of the Hāna Highway Bridge Preservation Plan, Maui, 2016 Preservation Commendation Award. Photo credit: Fung Associates.

Kalawao Choir. Kalaupapa “Pride of a Nation” video, Moloka‘i, 2016 Preservation Award for Achievements in Interpretive Media. Photo credit: Unknown/Courtesy of IDEA Archives

Agawa Home Restoration, Maui, 2016 Preservation Award. Photo Credit, Lahaina Restoration Foundation.
The 43rd annual Preservation Honor Awards presentation will be held in May 2017 in Honolulu.
Honor Awards are given to projects that exhibit excellence in planning, implementation, and follow-through of work that demonstrates historic preservation as a strategy for the protection, understanding, revitalization, use or celebration of Hawai‘i’s historic and cultural sites.
Categories include honors presented for specific preservation or rehabilitation projects; printed publications or visual presentations which interpret the history or preservation of a site; and for engaging in efforts that support preservation. Nominations are reviewed and honors are awarded by a committee of professionals in the fields of architecture, history, landscape architecture, media, planning and preservation.
Each nomination is considered on its own merits and not in competition with others. Nominations from all islands are encouraged.
Nominations will be submitted via a two-step process:
- Electronic submittal of all required information and photographs by January 27, 2017. The nomination materials will be reviewed for completeness. If all materials are included, the nomination will be cleared to proceed to submit hard copies. If any materials are missing, the nominator will have the opportunity to correct and resubmit an electronic copy for a second check of completeness. Incomplete or late nominations will not be accepted. Nominations fees are also due at this time.
- Printed nomination by February 3, 2017. After the electronic submittal is found to be complete, the nominator will be cleared to submit printed copies of the complete nomination. Five (5) hard copies of the nomination and a thumb drive of all images are to be delivered to the HHF office via mail or delivery service. For entries in the Preservation Media category, five (5) copies of the publication or DVD are also due at this time.
Questions may be directed to
In order to successfully submit your nomination electronically, you must have the most current version of Adobe Reader. Click here to download the most current version of Adobe Reader.