Sunday, January 18 – 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Kaka‘ako Agora, 441 Cooke Street, Honolulu, HI 96813
Learn how to take exquisite architectural photos with a professional photographer while enjoying the sights and sounds of historic Kaka’ako. This workshop will include a brief overview of area history followed by a walking tour to several historic buildings in the neighborhood for instructor-led onsite photography. There will be an opportunity to have your worked critiqued by professionals afterward. Bring your own camera or smartphone.
Tickets are $15 general and $10 for HHF members. Space limited.

Photo Courtesy Thom Benedict

Photo Courtesy Thom Benedict
We’ll start with a short talk by architectural historian Don Hibbard. Next, we’ll have brief intro to architectural photography by Hawkins Biggins and Chase Norton, two accomplished professional photographers who will help us better frame, compose, highlight and capture the built environment. We’ll then set-out on a walking tour of historic Kaka’ako with Hawkins, Chase and HHF staff, and wrap up with refreshments at Kaka’ako Agora.
Bring your own camera, smartphone, digital, analog, instant, vintage, or homemade picture-taking device. Also bring a waterbottle, sun/rain protection, walking shoes. Participants must be able to walk about 2 miles on relatively flat urban terrain.
Hawkins Biggins grew up on Oahu, surrounded by artists. From an early age photography was her creative outlet. A graduate of New England School of Photography in 2003 with a focus on architectural and portrait photography, she’s traveled and lived in cities around the world. In 2008 she returned to O’ahu and founded Hawkins Biggins Photography. Over the years, she has been drawn to documenting Honolulu’s changing dynamic architectural cityscape. Her photographs isolate strong design elements that are distinctive to the cultural, historical and global influences that shape Honolulu’s skyline.
Chase Norton is a Georgia native who received an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from Emory University and a Master’s Degree in Meteorology from University of Hawai’i after moving here in his early twenties. Embracing the beauty of scenic Hawaii through backpacking, he discovered his passion for photography while adventuring in the mountains. Chase spent the last 2 years working as studio manager at Hawkins Biggins Photography handling the post processing side of the business. He continues to enjoy helping and teaching others the powerful organizational and processing tools in Adobe Lightroom both in classrooms and privately.
Don Hibbard, architectural historian, served as administrator of the Hawaii State Historic Preservation Division for 24 years. He has authored several books on Hawaii’s architectural history, and is heavily involved with architectural inventory surveys, the nomination of properties to the National Register of Historic Places, and preparation of reports for Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and Historic American Engineering Record (HAER). Dr. Hibbard holds a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Hawaii, and meets the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards as an Architectural Historian.