The Kelly Residence was built in 1931 in the Kahala neighborhood of Honolulu, and the second story was added in 1939. It was one of the first homes along Black Point. The house is significant for its architecture and for its association with John and Kate Kelly, two prominent artists in Hawaii from 1923-1960s. The Kelly residence exemplifies the Craftsman style in Hawaii during this period through its various materials and textures, ranging from the Chinese granite floor of the lanai, to the canec walls, acid stained concrete floors, bamboo trimmed railings, shingled exterior walls, and hand-hewn beams. The second story of the house functioned as a lanai and artist studio where some of their greatest works were created. Although it was ostensibly designed by local architect Louis E. Davis, a family friend, Kate Kelly is given credit as the primary designer of the home, accounting for the openness and craftsman-esque character of the house, and the serial spatial sequencing of the first floor.
The Kelly Residence was built in 1931 in the Kahala neighborhood of Honolulu, and the second story was added in 1939. It was one of the first homes along Black Point. The house is significant for its architecture and for its association with John and Kate Kelly, two prominent artists in Hawaii from 1923-1960s. The Kelly residence exemplifies the Craftsman style in Hawaii during this period through its various materials and textures, ranging from the Chinese granite floor of the lanai, to the canec walls, acid stained concrete floors, bamboo trimmed railings, shingled exterior walls, and hand-hewn beams. The second story of the house functioned as a lanai and artist studio where some of their greatest works were created. Although it was ostensibly designed by local architect Louis E. Davis, a family friend, Kate Kelly is given credit as the primary designer of the home, accounting for the openness and craftsman-esque character of the house, and the serial spatial sequencing of the first floor.
This list of Hawaii’s historic properties is provided as a public service by Historic Hawaii Foundation. It is not the official list of properties designated on the Hawaii State Register of Historic Places. For official designations and determinations of eligibility, contact the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii at 808-692-8015.