The Lemon Wond Holt Residence, built in 1932, is a two-story, fantasy picturesque style house sited on a 5,936 square foot lot. A lava rock retaining wall, rising approximately eight feet high dominates the street frontage. The expansive, double wall, balloon frame house sits on a lava rock foundation and is characterized by a prominent, playful roofline; off-center portico with a skewed gable roof; and fanciful Tudoresque applied ornamentation. The Lemon Wond Holt Residence is significant as a good example of a modestly detailed, fantasy picturesque style residence constructed in Hawaii in the period of the late 1920s, early 1930s, and also for its associations with the Holts, a prominent Hawaiian family in Honolulu.
The Lemon Wond Holt Residence, built in 1932, is a two-story, fantasy picturesque style house sited on a 5,936 square foot lot. A lava rock retaining wall, rising approximately eight feet high dominates the street frontage. The expansive, double wall, balloon frame house sits on a lava rock foundation and is characterized by a prominent, playful roofline; off-center portico with a skewed gable roof; and fanciful Tudoresque applied ornamentation. The Lemon Wond Holt Residence is significant as a good example of a modestly detailed, fantasy picturesque style residence constructed in Hawaii in the period of the late 1920s, early 1930s, and also for its associations with the Holts, a prominent Hawaiian family in Honolulu.
This list of Hawaii’s historic properties is provided as a public service by Historic Hawaii Foundation. It is not the official list of properties designated on the Hawaii State Register of Historic Places. For official designations and determinations of eligibility, contact the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii at 808-692-8015.