The Lyman Residence is a two-story Colonial Revival style house with a corrugated metal, gable roof with gable returns, and it sits on a downhill sloping lot. Single-story wings extend from each side of the main body of the house. The east wing has a roof similar to the main body while the west wing, a 1949 addition, has a hipped roof. The facade is characterized by a second-story balcony. This property is significant for its associations with the development of Halaulani Place as well as the development of Hilo. In addition, it is significant for its associations with Levi Lyman and Merrill L. Carlsmith, as well as for being a good example of Colonial Revival residential construction and for its remodeling in 1948 following the designs of Vladimir Ossipoff, one of the foremost architects working in Hawaii during the immediate postwar period.
The Lyman Residence is a two-story Colonial Revival style house with a corrugated metal, gable roof with gable returns, and it sits on a downhill sloping lot. Single-story wings extend from each side of the main body of the house. The east wing has a roof similar to the main body while the west wing, a 1949 addition, has a hipped roof. The facade is characterized by a second-story balcony. This property is significant for its associations with the development of Halaulani Place as well as the development of Hilo. In addition, it is significant for its associations with Levi Lyman and Merrill L. Carlsmith, as well as for being a good example of Colonial Revival residential construction and for its remodeling in 1948 following the designs of Vladimir Ossipoff, one of the foremost architects working in Hawaii during the immediate postwar period.
This list of Hawaii’s historic properties is provided as a public service by Historic Hawaii Foundation. It is not the official list of properties designated on the Hawaii State Register of Historic Places. For official designations and determinations of eligibility, contact the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii at 808-692-8015.