Hidden from the main thoroughfare by a thick grove of trees, the Johnston Summer Residence consists of a main house, the maid’s quarters and a two-story carriage house set among a landscaped Japanese garden on a gently sloping lot. The Summer Residence is significant architecturally as an unusual example of the Queen Anne style and for its association with the development of Volcano town as a summer retreat for the well-to-do. It is further significant as one of the few known residential projects of the master landscape architects Kanichi & Fujino Nakamoto, who also landscaped Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo.
Hidden from the main thoroughfare by a thick grove of trees, the Johnston Summer Residence consists of a main house, the maid’s quarters and a two-story carriage house set among a landscaped Japanese garden on a gently sloping lot. The Summer Residence is significant architecturally as an unusual example of the Queen Anne style and for its association with the development of Volcano town as a summer retreat for the well-to-do. It is further significant as one of the few known residential projects of the master landscape architects Kanichi & Fujino Nakamoto, who also landscaped Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo.
This list of Hawaii’s historic properties is provided as a public service by Historic Hawaii Foundation. It is not the official list of properties designated on the Hawaii State Register of Historic Places. For official designations and determinations of eligibility, contact the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii at 808-692-8015.